Leggings of the Fang 物品等级 23 拾取绑定 腿部皮甲 79 盔甲 +5 力量 +4 耐力 +9 敏捷 耐久度 65 / 65 需要等级 18 毒蛇的拥抱(0/5) 尖牙腰带 尖牙足垫 尖牙手套 尖牙护腿 尖牙铠甲 (2) 套装:提高自然法术和效果所造成的伤害,最多7点。
WowheadWowhead 链接链接 3D查看3D查看 比较比较 查找升级…查找升级… 英文名:Leggings of the Fang复制 中文代码英文代码 尖牙护腿ID: 10410 拾取后绑定 腿部皮甲 79点护甲 +5 力量 +4 耐力 +9 敏捷 耐久度 65 / 65 需要等级 18 物品等级23 毒蛇的拥抱(0/5) ...
Embrace of the Viper Set: Leggings of the Fang, Armor of the Fang, Gloves of the Fang, Belt of the Fang, Footpads of the Fang Location & Map The Wailing Caverns dungeon entrance is located in The Barrens, just southwest of The Crossroads. The cave opens up at the Lushwater Oasis...
Embrace of the Viper Set: Leggings of the Fang, Armor of the Fang, Gloves of the Fang, Belt of the Fang, Footpads of the Fang Wailing Caverns is located in The Barrens, making it primarily for Horde players, although Alliance players can run it if they are willing to make the long tr...
Leggings of the Fang18Legs 5.4. Lord Pythas Healing Touch Lightning Bolt Sleep Thunderclap Lord Pythasis the third boss of the instance and is a Level 21 elite humanoid. Make sure to interrupt the boss' casts ofHealing Touchand avoid hisThunderclapif you are ranged. ...
The Soul Harvester's Bindings100000查看价格走势提交成交价 16 Peerless Leggings100000查看价格走势提交成交价 17 Azuresong Mageblade100000查看价格走势提交成交价 18 Nerubian Slavemaker100000查看价格走势提交成交价 19 Andonisus, Reaper of Souls100000查看价格走势提交成交价 ...
Spiderfang Carapace 巨蛛甲壳 Spidertank Oilrag 蜘蛛坦克油布 Spire of the Stoneshaper 塑石法杖 Spiritshroud Leggings 裹灵护腿 Splinthide Shoulders 碎鳞护肩 Spritecaster Cape 灵法斗篷 Star of Mystaria 秘术之星 Stoneshell Guard 石壳盾牌 Stonewall Girdle 石墙腰带 ...
Gloves of the TormentedHandsAll Priest/Priestess Bosses Seafury GauntletsHandsHakkar Bloodstained CoifHeadJin'do the Hexxer Bloodstained LegplatesLegsJin'do the Hexxer Seafury LeggingsLegsHigh Priest Thekal 5.4. Plate Armour ItemSlotDrop Bloodsoaked GreavesFeetHigh Priestess Arlokk ...
Leggings of the Fang 19 Legs Wailing CavernsLord Cobrahn (16.63%) Scouting Trousers 19 Legs Rare Drop (0.57%) Rigid Leggings 19 Legs Rare Drop (0.1%) Feet of the Lynx 19 Feet Rare Drop (0.04%) Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots 19 Feet Quest (A/H)Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Strip...
Leggings of the Fang 19 Legs Wailing CavernsLord Cobrahn (16.63%) Scouting Trousers 19 Legs Rare Drop (0.57%) Rigid Leggings 19 Legs Rare Drop (0.1%) Feet of the Lynx 19 Feet Rare Drop (0.04%) Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots 19 Feet Quest (A/H)Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Strip...