Switching to ISBoxer is easy, and it should only take you a few minutes. A former well-known PwnBoxer user says that he switched over and did a heroic instance within 10 minutes, after only resetting his in-game key bindings and spending a few minutes with the Quick Setup Wizard and a ...
Resetting CVars[] Use GetCVarDefault or the cvar_default command to reset a CVar, for example: /run SetCVar("autoSelfCast", GetCVarDefault("autoSelfCast")) /console cvar_default autoSelfCast The AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon can show which cvars were changed from the default: AdvancedInte...
Pet Bar key bindings are no longer being reset when the pet is dismissed and re-summoned or when the player relogs Calvin Montague will no longer reset if multiple players are fighting him during the quest “A Rogue’s Deal” Silithid Swarms that spawn from Silithid Swarmers in the Barrens...