Second, and arguably more important, there is no way to wait in a macro without freezing the game. This fact will become much more apparent when we start dealing with the /cast command and its ilk. Some AddOns can provide a way to issue a command at a later time, but they can only...
To do this, mage should better get ranged. Other than damage, mage has great Crowd Control (CC) spells and chilling/freezing abilities which become very handy in Battlegrounds (BG's). Suicide AoE runs are also very famous, doing a lot of damage to a crowd of enemies in a short time, ...
This is randomly targeted and will deal around 3,000 damage across 8 seconds while also silencing. Because of this, you should have the whole raid group spread out until the boss reaches 35% health so the least amount of raid members get hit by it....
*Control them with warriors, mage frost novas, mage blizzard, perhaps bear tanks, hunter freezing traps and kill them all (there is not much time for banish, but some guilds choose to banish a few). The Sons should be tanked and banished while they are brought down one after the other....
To do that, four different quests exist (which all eventually end up with you returning the amulet) – but he’ll only give you one of these four quests – it’s chosen randomly. The four possible quests he chooses from are: Tyr’s Hand Go to Eastern Plaguelands and farm Scarlet Praet...
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