如何使用WoWHunterPets查询我想要的宠物 http://www.wowhunterpets.info 是一个非常优秀的宠物图鉴网站,你可以根据宠物模型和皮毛颜色来查询宠物获得地点。 1:首先进入该网站,在主界面选择一个宠物科目。 2:你会看到该科目的所有模型宠物列表,选择一个你喜欢的点击。 3:打开的新页面下方会出现所有使用该模型的宠物...
Check out Petopia for the full list of tameable pets. I love to find rare pets and tame them, I am constantly getting new ones and having to clean out my stable to house them. The problem is that the really cool looking pets can only be at your side when you spec’d as Beast ...
Crocolisks are a hunter pet family with the Ferocity specialization. It contains 9 available or upcoming looks and 2 unavailable looks...
The hunter pet is a hunter's constant companion as they travel across Azeroth and other worlds. When fighting solo or in small groups, a hunter's pet may act as a tank, preventing the hunter from taking too much damage in combat. Pets are also a source o
Rodents are a hunter pet family with the Cunning specialization. It contains 104 available or upcoming looks and 567 unavailable looks...
http://www.wowhunterpets.info 是一个非常优秀的宠物图鉴网站,你可以根据宠物模型和皮毛颜色来查询宠物获得地点。 1:首先进入该网站,在主界面选择一个宠物科目。 2:你会看到该科目的所有模型宠物列表,选择一个你喜欢的点击。 3:打开的新页面下方会出现所有使用...该模型的宠物以及对应等级,这些都是共用这个模型...
If Cloud Serpents become tameable, they'd work well in their own family or the wind serpent family. Kunchong for hunter pets! Thanks to Moonlost for the awesome avatar! Top erictks1 Journeyman Hunter Posts: 113 Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:22 pm Realm: Hydraxis Re: 8.3 Taming List ...
Creature group Aberration Beast Critter Demon Dragonkin Elemental Giant Humanoid Mechanical Undead Uncategorized creature Beast creatures Expand Arthropod Expand Bird Expand Fish Expand Mammal Expand Reptile Expand Other Expand Creatures Expand Hunter pet families...
learn all_mypettalents 3 Syntax: .learn all_mypettalents Learn all talents for your pet available for his creature type (only for hunter pets). learn all_myspells 3 Syntax: .learn all_myspells Learn all spells (except talents and spells with first rank learned as talent) available for hi...
There's a cool device in Legion that allows you to outfit your crab pet (hunter pet) with a wicked knife. I haven't tried minipets yet. (It doesn't work for minipets). For example, this is a Deepwater Spikeback that I just tamed and then equipped with the knife: It works with...