Hi just had a quick question regarding happiness with hunter pets in regards to the foods you buy. Lets say I am lvl 45, or 30 and I am feeding it lvl 15 meat or whatever will it scale, or do I need to buy the appropriate level food for the pet. I figure the answer is pretty...
Hunter Survival Class Set 4pc 猎人生存职业套装四件套 獵人生存職業套裝4件 Hunter's Advantage 猎手优势 獵手優勢 Hunter's Avoidance 猎人闪避 獵人的迴避 Hunter's Bounty 猎手的赏金 獵人的獎賞 Hunter's Call 猎人的召唤 獵人的呼喚 Hunter's Guile 猎人的伪装 獵人狡詐 Hunter's Knowledge 猎人学识...
Hunter's Advantage 猎手优势 獵手優勢 Hunter's Avoidance 猎人闪避 獵人的迴避 Hunter's Bounty 猎手的赏金 獵人的獎賞 Hunter's Call 猎人的召唤 獵人的呼喚 Hunter's Guile 猎人的伪装 獵人狡詐 Hunter's Knowledge 猎人学识 獵人知識 Hunter's Mark 猎人印记 獵人印記 Hunter's Mark Visual Only 猎人标记视觉...
Lots of extra items needed, such as ammo and pet food. No self healing or major defensive cooldowns. 2. Hunter Viability Hunters are a strong range DPS with unique utility that makes them a strong addition to any group. Hunters have exceptional base damage, especially with how powerful pets...
Fish caught by fishing can be used as a source of cheap hunter pet food even after cooking it to improve the character's cooking skill. Cooking certain fish also results in unique food buffs. Having a macro to equip your weapons or using the Gear manager can be handy if you get attacked...
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HUNTER[PETFOOD].rightClickTargetsPet = true; AutoBarProfile.HUNTER[BUFFSLOT] = AutoBarProfile.ROGUE[BUFFSLOT]; AutoBarProfile.HUNTER[WEAPONBUFFSLOT] = AutoBarProfile.DRUID[WEAPONBUFFSLOT]; AutoBarProfile.MAGE = Compost:GetTable(); AutoBarProfile.MAGE[POTIONSLOT] = { "RUNES", "MANAPOTIONS", "...
Hunter pets can also receive 32 Buffs. Contrary to popular belief, Buffs will countdown even when the pet is dismissed.Physical Pet BuffsRallying Cry of the Dragonslayer: (Given if someone hands in Onyxia or Nefarian head. Common but you must be in Org/Storm) Warchief's Blessing: (...
1.A 施放猎人印记的同时宠物攻击/cast Hunter's Mark(Rank 1)/script PetAttack()1.B 切换到宠物正在攻击的目标并施放毒蛇刺击/script TargetUnitsPet("Player")/assist /cast Serpent Sting(Rank 1)1.C 召回宠物并使用散射 此宏是有散射技能的玩家所必需的。/script PetFollow()/Cast Scatter ...