OrderHallIcon Download Complete Problems with the download? Click here. Need help installing AddOns? We suggest Minion to automatically install and manage your AddOns! Minion makes it extremely easy to install and manage your AddOns. If you would like to manually install AddOns please visit ...
SURVIVAL HUNTER WOW ITEMS Call of the Wild: Reduces the cooldown of all aspects by 35% Frizzo’s Fingertap: When you cast Carve on an enemy affected by Lacerate, Lacerate spreads to 1 other target hit by Carve Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder: The first time Harpoon hits a target,...
1519 ArtifactsDemonHunterOrderHall The Fel Hammer 6.x / 7.0.3 1520 NightmareRaid The Emerald Nightmare Raid 6.x / 7.0.3 1522 ArtifactWarlockOrderHallScenario Dreadscar Rift Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1523 MardumScenario Defense of the Fel Hammer Scenario Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 ...
Zone:Dreadscar Rift(Warlock Order Hall),The Fel Hammer(Demon Hunter Order Hall) Approximate Drop Rate:Unknown Hatespark the Tiny—[Hatespark the Tiny] Vendor:Auction House Hawk Owl—[Hawk Owl] Vendor:Shylenai Zone:Teldrassil Cost:50(unlimited supply) ...
or you can just simply drag the icon. 用一个图标替代丑陋的职业大厅顶部信息条!上述代码是修改默认位置的,你也可以直接拖动图标来移动位置。 My other addons: Marksman - A tool for MM Hunter Stagger - A tool for Monk BloodyHell - A tool for Blood DeathknightReport...
Shandris Feathermoon says: The Eye of Elune must be in the hunter's hall. Push forward. Maiev Shadowsong says: Let us hope Tyrande is still there. After finding the altar where the Eye of Elune was supposed to be at, it was taken. The player and Maiev/Shandris are cornered by Horde....
This bird flys really high up in the air and there are a few strategies in order to get him. Since my hunter has engineering as a profession, my cloak can be used as a parachute when I fall. I would fly up dismiss my mount and shoot at him as I fell. After many attempts on ...
Home»Blog»Monk Order Hall Guide Mar 04 0 by Emmaleah|Blog|2 Comments|04 Mar 2017 Finally done with it 🙂 Next up is Rogue, while it shouldnt take as long as Monk did, it won’t be quick because things are still pretty busy at work for at least a month longer. ...
Hunter’s Chains’ missile now moves significantly faster. Fire Whirl damage reduced by 20%. Developers’ notes: we want to reign in Fire Whirl’s damage a bit more, so that it’s close to the performance of other offensive spells. Rime Arrow cooldown increased at higher ranks, and now...