It takes 1 afternoon to get pre raid BiS from heroics and catchup gear from ZA/ZG. It’s never been more easy in the history of wow to get into the game and raiding “even heroic raids” at such a fast pace. 1 Reply 8 Veliveanna <Stoppable Force> 293 posts 85 Orc Hunter 8290 ...
Aug 2024 Let’s be real… the expansion is basically over once the last raid releases. FL comes out October and DS in January. Cata released in May. I just resubbed to classic. Took some time off after WOTLK. I rerolled and am leveling a priest. Leveling 1 to 60 is slower than I...
This very in-depth guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants and everything else you will need as an aspiring hunter!
I'm actually going to pray you get all your BiS super fast and you top the charts. Reply With Quote 2023-04-04, 12:08 PM #227 epigramx The Lightbringer Join Date Aug 2019 Posts 3,058 Originally Posted by Forum Man WoW did have vertical progression up t...
Tanking for this is as easy as it gets. Spec whatever you want but do not pick up nether protection. Go to the back of the room and wait for the Hunter MD. Spam searing pain and that’s pretty much the whole fight. You don’t “need” Fire resistance but having a little bit won...
I used to play blood elf hunter in 49 caps in TBC, like all day every day. Might level a 49, but these days the expected hunter skill is much higher so idk. I’m no Iam/Iamxd Cezar-kurinnaxx October 3, 2024, 5:53am 20 You dont need to be god tier, just be you an...
Hunter - Low Mage - Medium Paladin - Holy High Priest - High Rogue - Medium Warrior - DPS High Warrior - Tank Low Warlock - Low Competitive and dedicated but semi casual (everyone’s welcome) Helpful, will make premades to farm gear with guildies ...
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) (CATA Classic) Downloads 113354 Bagnon Downloads 99564 Details! Damage Meter (Wotlk) Downloads 97087 AtlasLootClassic Downloads 87326 Classic Class Guides Paladin Druid Priest Warrior Warlock Rogue Mage Shaman Hunter Classic Profession Guides Alchemy Blacksmithing Enchanting Engine...
Tanking for this is as easy as it gets. Spec whatever you want but do not pick up nether protection. Go to the back of the room and wait for the Hunter MD. Spam searing pain and that’s pretty much the whole fight. You don’t “need” Fire resistance but having a little bit won...