Beast Mastery Raiding/Solo Talent Build If you want to raid as Beast Mastery, this is the spec to use. Before you start getting raid gear, this will actually out-damage the standard raid spec. However, that does not take into account the extra AP you give to 4 party members, and will...
Hunter Leveling Guide 5. Talent Build/Rotation Beast Mastery is king in Hardcore. With a myriad of talents allowing you to buff your pet up, sit back and let them tear through your enemies, while you shoot from range. Markmsanship is also a pretty good spec that excels early on, while...
图标:ability_hunter_beastmastery 屏幕截图 WowheadWowhead链接链接3D查看3D查看 英文名:Beast Mastery复制 中文代码英文代码 野兽主宰 瞬发 你非常精通野兽训练,因此获得了驯服特殊宠物的能力,以及额外的4点宠物技能点数。 法术细节 持续时间n/a 类型物理 机制n/a ...
Leveling up your hunter will be far different than how you’ll end up playing at max level. The biggest difference you’ll notice is your specialization. Most max-level hunters use a marksmanship talent tree build, but you’ll invest heavily into the beast mastery tree for a better leveling...
Need Haste: Stats As a Survival Hunter you will find that some stats you are looking for are different than that for the Beast Mastery Talent build. Here are some key points on each stat. ...
Talent Build On the way to 80 there is one Talent Build you should use, and that is theBeast Masterytree. This tree will focus on improving your pet, so that you can send it in and burn the mob down with ease, and it can put out solid dps in instances as well. Here is the bu...
UNHOLY_ASSAULT_TALENT: { id: 207289, name: 'Unholy Assault', icon: 'spell_shadow_unholyfrenzy' }, }; export default talents; 16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion 16 src/common/SPELLS/talents/demonhunter.ts Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,10 +2,18 @...
PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets How to Train Your Hunter Pet Ammo Bags and Ammunition Mage PvE Arcane Mage PvE Fire Mage PvE Frost Mage Frost Mage AoE Horde Mage AoE Leveling Paladin ...
10. Beast Mastery Hunter (B Tier) Performance: Adequate damage, brings necessary buffs through pets Utility: Can provide nearly every raid buff via pets Verdict: Playable Beast Mastery Hunters are marked as playable due to their ability to bring nearly every buff needed in a raid thr...
Beast Mastery Hunter The biggest issue with Ranged DPS is that they need to stay motionless to do any DPS rotation. However, the Beast Mastery Hunter spec does away with this. In most raiding encounters, this utility makes them especially important for meeting DPS requirements while being mobile...