How to get to the Darkmoon Faire as the Alliance The Darkmoon Faire is located on Darkmoon Island, and the only way to get to the island is viaportalsnear your capital cities. After you reach the location, all you need to do is click the portal and you’ll find yourself on the coo...
How to get Shadowlands pre-patch EXP buffs The overhauled leveling of theShadowlandspre-patch rendered a lot of older EXP buffs obsolete. Even Heirloom equipment, a common sight anywhere but the current expansion zone, has had its lucrative EXP bonuses turned off. But there’s still a way to...
Starter Edition of the game remains capped at Level 20. UPDATE: New players will have to play through BfA content first, so they wont have access to other but zones. Celestalon, who previously worked on the WoW team, confirmed on Twitter that starter acc
Besides the Auction House, there are two leading Heirloom curators inWoW– one for the Alliance and one for the Horde—where you can buy most of the Heirlooms. The Alliance vendor, Krom Stoutarm, can be found in the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge. The Horde vendor, Estelle Gendry, can ...
Due to its origins as the regrouped survivors of the Silver Hand, the Scarlet Crusade counted members from citizens and races of all over the Alliance of Lordaeron, including high elves of Quel'Thalas, dwarves of the Alterac Mountains and human citizens of Stormwind, Alterac, Kul Tiras and Dal...
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The Alliance has throughout the Warcraft story remained the only force that can match up to the Horde. These two factions have warred several times with their predecessors (Old Horde, Alliance of Lordaeron) having clashed together in the First, Second, and Third Wars. In the Fourth War, the...
The Worldsoul of Azeroth calls for aid using the Radiant Song, calling all heroes to journey deep into the earth. Anduin, Thrall and Alleria Windrunner are the first to answer the call and rally both the Alliance and the Horde to venture underground and find out the source of Azeroth’s ...
How To Install: Download the addon using the big shiny button. Download TomTom from WoW Interface or Curse. TomTom is important! Without it, you won’t see the arrow telling you where to go! Get version 3.1.4 or later. Download from WoW Interface ...
How to get Shadowlands pre-patch EXP buffs The overhauled leveling of theShadowlandspre-patch rendered a lot of older EXP buffs obsolete. Even Heirloom equipment, a common sight anywhere but the current expansion zone, has had its lucrative EXP bonuses turned off. But there’s still a way to...