Before you start, head to the Brewfest camp for your faction. Alliance can find theirsjust outside of the Ironforge gateswhile Horde need to go to Orgrimmar, outside the gatesin the western section of Durotar. Aside from The Brewfest Diet, Strange Brew, and Direbrewfest,you will need Br...
Since you already have your hands full of Khaz Algar content, and your Hearthstone is probably in Dornogal, it should be relatively easy for you to get to Dalaran City. The best and easiest way to reach the Timewalking Vendor is to take a portal from Khaz Algar to either Orgrimmar or ...
Before you start, head to the Brewfest camp for your faction. Alliance can find theirsjust outside of the Ironforge gateswhile Horde need to go to Orgrimmar, outside the gatesin the western section of Durotar. Aside from The Brewfest Diet, Strange Brew, and Direbrewfest,you will need Br...