1814 Islands802 Havenswood (Islands 2) Scenario 8.0.1 1815 Silithus Silithus Phase 7.3.5 1817 SilithusPhase01 Silithus: The Wound 7.3.2 1818 SilvermoonCity Silvermoon City Scenario 7.3.5 1822 BoralusDungeon Siege of Boralus Dungeon 8.0.1 ...
This Brawl brings an additional challenge to the shores of PvP Island Expeditions by increasing the total amount of players from six to 20 on the biggest Islands (Havenswood and Jorundall). When the Brawl is active, players can join the fight by opening up Group Finder (default hotkey: ...
Among the communities created by Gilnean sailors are Surwich, Bradensbrook, Havenswood and even the nation of Kul Tiras. Gilneas' borders, prior to the construction of the Greymane Wall and the Scourge invasion causing them to lose their ability to hold regions beyond the wall, once spanned...
Blackhowl - Undercut by a Black Dragon. May be Alliance members. Island worgen - An unnamed pack of feral worgen found during Island Expeditions. They inhabit Havenswood, a Gilnean island.[72]Defunct/EliminatedWolf Cult - A worgen cult found in Gilneas, searching for the Scythe of Elune...
Havenswood Salvage Jorundall Salvage Snowblossom Salvage Click the banner below to learn more about Island Expedition Rewards and Loot Tables. Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking is back this week. Don't forget to check out the Ulduar timewalking raid!
Duneburrower is a level 12-52 Rare creature in the Scorpid family. It cannot be tamed by hunters. Location & Notes: Located in Island Expeditions (Scenario). A possible encounter on Havenswood, Jorundall, Molten Cay, Skittering Hollow, Verdant Wilds.
Havenswood Skittering Hollow Verdant Wilds World Boss Hailstone Construct Built by the original inhabitants of Drustvar, the Hailstone Construct was built to defend these lands from any invaders. However, years of dormancy have left it addled, and it now sees all residents as threats, vo...