荆棘谷的青山 - 第1页ID: 2725 <右键点击阅读> 卖价:3 75 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 内容The Green Hills of StranglethornOur first day went as well as one can expect first days to go. Most of our time was preoccupied with making the necessary arrangements to establish a base camp. I ...
英文名:Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 25 复制 中文代码 英文代码 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10荆棘谷的青山 - 第25页ID: 2749 <右键点击阅读> 卖价:3 75 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 内容I led the party toward the sea, hoping the shoreline would provide refuge from the Raptors. In ...
Green Hills of Stranglethorn Pages (All) – Level 43 Silk Cloth x15 – Level 51 Mithril Casing –Level 54 Thorium Bar x2 – Level 59 Level 1-12 Our guide begins in The Valley of Trials, Durotar. Both orc and troll characters naturally spawn here. If you’re a tauren or undead start...
Orc, Troll and Tauren secondary zone. Wailing Caverns instance. Boat to Booty Bay (Cape of Stranglethorn) in Ratchet. WP Ashenvale 7-50 Contested Astranaar, Forest Song, Splintertree Post, Zoram'gar Outpost Blackfathom Deeps instance, Warsong Gulch battleground, Bough Shadow - Emerald Dream ...
You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth. Higher reputation gives access to special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can increase reputations using several methods, includin
Doing so provides added inventory slots based on the size of the bag. Although bags are tradable and might sit unequipped within inventory, they are empty in this state and therefore do not contribute to inventory management until equipped. In addition to four bags worn on a chartacter (and...
For those who didn’t finish theStranglethorn Pagesyet: This is your last chance, check the Booty Bay AH and ask in general channel for missing pages. If you got them all, take them with you. 1.Run out of Booty Bay and take the first way left until the Bloodsail Encampment by the ...
(H) 31-32 Stranglethorn Vale The Missing Courier (6/6) Delivering the Relic {45} (5/6) Against Lord Shalzaru {45} (4/6) Against the Hatecrest {43} (3/6) Against the Hatecrest {43} (2/6) Return to Feathermoon Stronghold {43} (1/6) The Ruins of Solarsal {43} (A) 48-49...
Turn in mastery quests and Green Hills pages if you got them. Accept Panther Mastery and Raptor Mastery. Go to Rebel camp and turn in Return to Corporal Kaleb. Do Colonel Kurzen elite quest if u can find a group or have group already. HS to Booty Bay. Turn in Scaring Shaky and The ...
英文名:Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 27 复制 中文代码 英文代码 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10荆棘谷的青山 - 第27页ID: 2751 <右键点击阅读> 卖价:3 75 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 内容Ajeck and Sir Erlgadin readied their weapons, flanking me on either side, our backs to the sea....