Gloves of the Fang 物品等级 19 装备绑定 手皮甲 47 盔甲 +3 敏捷 +2 力量 耐久度 25 / 25 需要等级 14 毒蛇的拥抱(0/5) 尖牙腰带 尖牙足垫 尖牙手套 尖牙护腿 尖牙铠甲 (2) 套装:提高自然法术和效果所造成的伤害,最多7点。 (3) 套装:法杖技能提高2点。
查找升级…查找升级… 英文名:Gloves of the Fang复制 中文代码英文代码 尖牙手套ID: 10413 阶段1 装备后绑定 手皮甲 52点护甲 +6 敏捷 +5 力量 耐久度 30 / 30 需要等级 14 物品等级19 毒蛇的拥抱(0/5) 尖牙铠甲 尖牙护腿 尖牙足垫 尖牙腰带 ...
Gloves of the Fang are leather gloves, useful for Rogues, Hunters, Shamans or Druids. It is part of the set Embrace of the Viper.
, Gloves of the Fang, Belt of the Fang, Footpads of the Fang Location & Map The Wailing Caverns dungeon entrance is located in The Barrens, just southwest of The Crossroads. The cave opens up at the Lushwater Oasis at 46.0, 36.3. From there you can follow the cave all the way down...
Deviate Faerie Dragon(39.07%)The Wailing Caverns17-24RangedWand Footpads of the FangBoss Lord Serpentis(18.98%)The Wailing Caverns17-24FeetLeather Gloves of the FangZone Drop Druid of the Fang(1.19%)The Wailing Caverns17-24HandsLeather
Sceptre of Smiting1-Hand Mace Shadow Panther Hide BeltWaist Shadow Panther Hide GlovesHands Zulian Ceremonial StaffStaff Zulian Hacker1-Hand Axe 2. Tier Loot in Zul'Gurub There is no tier loot in Zul'Gurub, but players do have the opportunity to acquire sets via the token and reputation ...
Cadaverous Gloves 苍白手套 Cadaverous Leggings 苍白护腿 Cadaverous Walkers 苍白靴子 Cape of the Fire Salamander 火灵斗篷 Circle of Flame 烈焰之环 Coal Miner Boots 煤工长靴 Crystallized Girdle 晶化束带 Cyclopean Band 巨石指环 Death's Clutch 死亡指节 ...
Gloves of the Vanquished Champion Binds when picked up Classes: Paladin, Shaman, Rogue Requires Level 27 Sell Price: 5 Gloves of the Vanquished Defender Binds when picked up Classes: Druid, Priest, Warrior Requires Level 27 Sell Price: 5 Gloves of the Vanquished Hero Binds when picked up Clas...
他们掉落的装备:[火喉披风 Cloak of Firemaw][黑焰手套 Ebony Flame Gloves] 也都充分体现了他们名字的含义 不过这三条龙的地位都不高,在官方正史中几乎没有提及 从他们的掉落的[龙牙饰物 Drake Fang Talisman]也可猜到他们的地位 Drake一...
Reward fromParagons of Power: The Haruspex's BracersinZul'Gurub Crafted throughTailoring Trash BoE drop inMolten Core Hands Wasphide Gauntlets Gloves of the Messiah Gloves of Dark Wisdom Stormrage Handguards Gloves of Delusional Power Hands of the Exalted Herald ...