Progress in the World of Warcraft depends on many factors. Of course gear is important but what would you do if you have not got a single WoW TWW Gold coin left? The answer is on the surface! Buy cheap WoW Gold from us. No, reallywhat is the point of farming it yourself? How much...
Defeating powerful enemies in Horrific Visions will grant you with Corrupted Mementos, which can be used to purchase several new items, including the Gouged Eye of N'Zoth which allows you to add a Prismatic Socket to one piece of eligible gear. ...
Fire mages- similar to above except you have the option of using dragons breath as soon as they death grip instead of nova( i recommend it because it has less of a cooldown). and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no ...
gear because it is still good and just want to be able to adjust volume from the crowd, or a bar manager needing a way to override things and turn down the PA because its too loud. Also being able to have one TX send the same signal to multiple RX's attached to multiple speakers ...
Over the past few weeks where the gear has steadily gotten better the Unholy Death Knight is losing ground on their top position on the DPS meters. This isn’t due to the class falling but to the gear not scaling as well as other classes. With a good amount of damage potential this cl...
I think people were expecting item-gating where blue-quality “catch up” gear from 1.10 wouldn’t exist in dungeons until phase 5 to avoid warping raid difficulty and protect the importance of epic drops in early raiding. Can you clarify this point a bit more?