spawntime .spawntime #time Adjust spawntime of selected creature to time. 任务管理命令 命令 语法 解释 addquest .addquest #quest_id 添加1个任务ID为#quest_id的任务到任务日志里(就是接任务). 如果该任务是物品触发的则不能用该命令添加,要用.additem制造这个物品,然后再接任务. removequest...
命令前边的数字表示最小几级GM(PLevel)可以使用 数字后边的字母表示该命令在游戏中所适用的目标(鼠标点中):t=所有目标 n=NPC p=玩家 s=刷怪点 g=物件 信息显示命令:0 .HELP [command] - 显示所有命令列表或者具体某一命令的用法 0 .WHERE - 显示地图map、区域zone的编号,以及座标...
The command format is ?/cast ? (which casts the highest rank of the listed spell), or ?/cast (Rank <#>)?. Some examples: /cast Greater Heal /cast Arcane Intellect(Rank 3) 在2.0中,目前所用的大多数宏都将被废弃,因为在战斗中,任何用到CastSpellByName()或者TargetUnit()的宏都将不再有...
Kill Command 杀戮命令 擊殺命令 Kill Shot 夺命射击 擊殺射擊 Killer Accuracy 致命精准 殺手準度 Killer Cobra 杀戮眼镜蛇 致命蛇咬 Killer Command 屠戮命令 擊殺命令 Killer Companion 杀手伙伴 殺手夥伴 Killer Instinct 杀手本能 殺戮本能 Killing Frenzy 杀戮狂乱 殺戮狂亂 Kindred Beasts 野兽亲和 血...
Big Game Hunter 王牌猎人 王牌獵人 Binding Frenzy 束缚怒火 禁錮狂暴 Binding Shackles 束缚镣铐 束縛鐐銬 Binding Shot 束缚射击 禁錮射擊 Bird of Prey 猛禽 猛禽祝福 Birds of Prey 猛禽狩猎 掠食之鳥 Bite 撕咬 撕咬 Black Arrow 黑箭 黑蝕箭 Black Fire 黑焰 黑色火焰 Blackness 隐匿之影 黑蝕降臨 Blackout...
1. WOW stands for World of Warcraft. The game is set against the backdrop of Blizzard Entertainment's real-time strategy game series, "Warcraft," with a comprehensive timeline based on the events and characters from "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne."2. JJC refers to the Arena,...
- The time has come. 是时候了 - We must act! 我们必须行动了! - My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着…… - Quickly! 快! - Command Me! 命令我吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - [思想控制] You are spellbound!*** 你已经着魔了 - [蜕变] Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了 - [吸魂] Your...
PressStart Buttonand wait until the bot start counting(you can change counting time in Advanced Settings), during this time you need to focus your game on the PC where the game is running (or focus windows in a proper order if you run it inMultiple Fishing Mode) ...
RangedSwing Returns the player predicted next ranged weapon swing time CD Returns the context KeyAction in-game cooldown in milliseconds CD_{KeyAction.Name} Returns the given {KeyAction.Name} in-game cooldown in milliseconds Cost_{KeyAction.Name} Returns the given {KeyAction.Name} cost value ...
Find all WoW GM Commands ingame, through our combined list of all the GM and Admin Commands you can use. A GM Command List for TrinityCore.