WoW Funny Names Here are some playful and more lighthearted names to take a look at, if nothing else, to give a bit of a boost to the ideas already brewing in your mind. Restofarian Brewslee Notagnome Benafflock Iwillsheepu Propapanda ...
Though you can see there all the funny names like Surovikin(seems going well with their rules and ruining the RP), IskanderZV and so on. Also some people not muted for same silly jokes so you never can tell when it’s appropriate or not to have fun. Guess you all understand how it...
September 2006: As per the recent race names vote at Wowpedia talk:Writing policy#Race name case, the correct race name spelling is "Forsaken" and not "forsaken"UntitledNote: this race name is indeed capitalized -- Kirkburn (talk) 08:00, 3 September 2006 (EDT) ...
It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw, with Nozdormu staring in total awe. The battle raged on for a century, Many lesser claimed, but eventually, The champion stood, the rest saw the better. Saurfang lol'd wielding his blood stained beheader. ...
Agreed. You know what’s funny too? I accidentally bought two transfers a long time ago. The icon for it is still sitting on my character selection screen, and we had someone else try theirs and it still works. So they still have the underlying transfer service working and running… just...
It’s funny how many names I recognize after this many years. Going to have to ding through my old screenshot folder again. Shame I lost most of them over the years. For those asking, I haven’t heard from Garg since the end of BC, but if someone knows what he is up to I ...
It's funny that you're totally open to adding evil characters so long as there is flimsy lore to tell you 'they have limits' but you can't fathom this sort of thing existing for Necromancers considering they're completely fictional and be written in with limitations just as easily. I me...
she putting the original artists names in the description. >_> /sigh re posting peoples art work is not what D.A. was meant for. Yeahhh I was just about to say that. That girl is just taking artwork and putting it on her account with mostly putting their names on it. :/ Most of...
While it was all fun when we were kids, it’s not as funny now that we’re adults and realize you could go to jail for doing that in the state of Texas.According to Legal Pro X, there are different criminal charges that you could receive for putting toilet paper on someone's home...
Funny enough I was in Ironforge the other day and the most ridiculous, unacceptable, and most despicable conversation I think I’ve ever witnessed in WoW was going on for at least two hours. I’m talking at least a trillion rules broken every line of text in TRADE chat for TWO BLOODY ...