英文名:Frost Leather Cloak复制 中文代码英文代码吃瓜台代码提交G团成交价 冰霜皮质披风ID: 7377 Frost Leather Cloak 物品等级 36 装备绑定 背部布甲 24 盔甲 需要等级 31 装备:提高冰霜法术和效果所造成的伤害,最多11点。 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com
英文:Fine Leather Cloak 250 制皮(85) 85105120135 中文:冰霜皮质披风 英文:Frost Leather Cloak 20 制皮(180) 180200210220 中文:厚皮弹药包 英文:Thick Leather Ammo Pouch 40 制皮(225) 225245255265 中文:夜色外套 英文:Nightscape Tunic 30 制皮(205) ...
英文:Fine Leather Belt 3 制皮(80) 80110125140 中文:优质皮披风 英文:Fine Leather Cloak 250 制皮(85) 85105120135 中文:冰霜皮质披风 英文:Frost Leather Cloak 20 制皮(180) 180200210220 中文:厚皮弹药包 英文:Thick Leather Ammo Pouch 40 制皮(225) ...
31-Dusky Leather Armor 暮色皮甲 装备即绑定 皮装胸部 140 Armor +14 Agility Skill要求:175 Lv要求:30 材料: 10x Heavy Leather 重皮 1x Shadow Oil 暗黑油 2x Fine Thread 精线 32-Frost Leather Cloak 冰披肩 装备即绑定 布制披风 39 Armor Skill要求:180 Lv要求:31 装备后增加冰系魔法效果7 材料: ...
英文名:Increase Spell Dam 9复制 中文代码英文代码 Increase Spell Dam 9 瞬发 法术强度提高9点。 法术细节 持续时间n/a 类型物理 机制n/a 驱散类型n/a GCD类别n/a 花费无 范围0 码(自身) 施法时间瞬发 冷却时间n/a GCD0 秒 效果#1应用光环:Mod Damage Done - Flat (神圣, 火焰, 自然, 冰霜, 暗影,...
霜之结界[Frost Ward]1移到22级。 召唤食物[Conjure Food]法术移到等级6,12,22和32。 召唤饮水[Conjure Water]法术移到登记4,10,20和30。 闪耀[Blink]移动至等级20。 幻影[Phantasm]法术取消。 法力盾[Mana Shield]每吸收1点生命伤害消耗2点法力值。 增加新法术:睡眠[Sleep]在等级8,20和40获得。睡眠持续...
Feyscale Cloak Firebelcher Lord Pythas Lord Pythas is another druidic boss located in Wailing Caverns with the same Healing Touch, Lightning Bolt, and Sleep abilities. Strategy Tank: Establish threat on the boss and the adds, so that DPS can damage them down one at a time. Healer: Focus...
Cloak:Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape- frost badges - orAccursed Crawling Cape- regular Forge of Souls, last boss Chest:Windrunner's Tunic of Conquest (A/H) - triumph badges - or Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate (A/H) - crafted Bracers:Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers (A/H) - crafted - ...
Leatherworking:See skinning. Tailoring:This is where the magic happens. BoP recipes are some of the most powerful gear you have access to outside of 40-mans.Robe of the Voidis BiS pre-raid chest, and the soon to be release ZG Bloodvine recipes (chest, legs, boots) are BiS until Naxx...
Sentry Cloak 19 Back Rare Drop (0.03%) Tunic of Westfall 19 Chest Quest (A)The Defias Brotherhood Blackened Defias Armor 19 Chest The DeadminesEdwin VanCleef (14.09%) Bandit Jerkin 19 Chest Rare Drop (0.53%) Forest Leather Bracers 19 Wrist Rare Drop (0.08%) Wrangler's Wristbands 19 Wrist...