[Stellagosa's Silver Coin] [Runas' Last Copper] [Okuna Longtusk's Doubloon] [Coin of Golk the Rumble] [Tyrande's Coin] [Kur'talos Ravencrest's Spectral Coin] [Penelope Heathrow's Allowance] [Elothir's Golden Leaf] [King Mrgl-Mrgl's Coin] [Murky's Coin] [Addie Fizzlebog's Coin...
You don't need a prerequisite for these. Just find the Elder, talk to them, and the quest is complete. There are 84 elders in all. The Elders stand in circles of light, and give you tips as to where to find the other nearby Elders. You can complete the quest with any Elder, ...
Li Li Stormstout, also known as Li Li the Wild Dog, is the niece of legendary pandaren brewmaster Chen Stormstout. Li Li possesses the same wanderlust as her uncle, leaving the Wandering Isle and traveling with him to numerous locales following Chen's in
What the? Someone just called me candy cane, and asked me if they could have a lollipop! Guess ye can say I've got middle child syndrome. But when one brother's made of diamond, and the other's are famous explorer, it can be hard to find ye reach. Roll ye eyes if you must, ...
You don't need a prerequisite for these. Just find the Elder, talk to them, and the quest is complete. There are 84 elders in all. The Elders stand in circles of light, and give you tips as to where to find the other nearby Elders. You can complete the quest with any Elder, ...