This build has impressive burst damage and benefits from the presence of a Feral Druid with the Mangle rune.The best runes are Slaughter from the Shadows, Saber Slash, Deadly Brew, and Envenom. The best spell is Rupture.Mutilate Build
PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets How to Train Your Hunter Pet Hunter Pet Abilities Ammo Bags and Ammuniti...
WOW leiapvp_feralresto 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2009-03-26 14:03:33上线。视频内容简介:WOW leiapvp_feralresto
PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide Hunter Pets Best Hunter Pets How to Train Your Hunter Pet Hunter Pet Abilities Ammo Bags and Ammuniti...
will likely always choose to go deep or partially deep into the Restoration tree. That said, there are a ton of viable talent choices for the more casual player, and every specialization has at least one viable build for either PvE or PvP. (Feral PvE, Balance PvP, Restoration PvP & PvE...
Feral Druid Melee DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Feral Druid Tank Pre-Raid Gear Feral Druid Melee DPS Spell Summary Feral Druid DPS Talents and Runes LATEST NEWS Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 11th Big Reputation Item and World Buff Material Gain From Commendation Signets in Seaso...
Feral Druid Tank Guide Shadow Priest DPS Guide Enhancement Shaman DPS Guide Priest Healer Guide Classic Dungeon Guides Deadmines Dungeon Guide Stratholme Undead Dungeon Guide Quel'Serrar Questline Guide Dire Maul Quests Guide Classic Profession Guides ...
Bombe éclairante: Useful against feral Druids or to scare away a Hunter’s pet. Bandage épais en étoffe runique: Must-haves in PvP, very useful throughout the game. You need these to keep your health up in most situations. Biscuit enrichi en manne d'Alterac: Best food item in the...
Feral Druids are among the best melee classes in PvP, however Druids still are lackign essential parts of their kit at level 25. Feral Druids are one of the best melee classes in Season of Discovery. Whenever paired with your crowd control and rooting abilities, you will be able to...
So either the argument is bogus and ret, feral, and enh/ele should be viable, or warriors because they are the best tanks, should then be relegated to being among the worst DPS. This all said, I don’t see it being super viable to “Fix” ERA, the experiment with SOD was in my ...