Similarly, you can PvP without consumables, but you may be at a disadvantage over other players who choose to make use of them. 2. Best Enchants for Feral Druid SlotEnchantment Head Lesser Arcanum of Voracity— from the quest Libram of Voracity in the Burning Steppes. Shoulders Might of the...
It’s also possible that Balance and Restoration Druids will continue to perform better in the first few weeks of the update. Feral Druids are very competitive whether they are used as tanks or DPS. Players looking to fill a role will find better options in other Druids specs, and even ...
1Introduction2Spell Summary3Builds and Talents4Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities5Stat Priority6Enchants and Consumables7Gear and Best in Slot TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Gearing Strategy for Feral DPS Druids 2. Feral DPS Druid Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List ...
The largest ones are Arcane Mage, Demonology Warlock, Enhancement Shaman and Feral Druid. Reason being that these were specs that ultimately lacked anything resembling a core rotation but gained one in TBC, and Enhancement also changed from being a 2h-based spec to a DW-based spec. Arcane ...
Restoration Shaman Enchants and ConsumablesThe best part of each guide is always a part about gearing, and enchants. Because there can’t be a mixed answer in which of restoration shaman enchants to choose.Gems for resto shamansGems now come in two types – unique epics, which are crafted ...
• Druid OPEN • Hunter OPEN • Mage OPEN • Paladins OPEN • Priests OPEN • Rogues: OPEN • Warlocks OPEN • Warriors OPEN We are a semi-hardcore guild Raiders will be expected to have all consumables with them and in the raid instance at raid start Raid times are: 7:30...
Elemental Leatherworking-Specific crafts areMolten HelmandMolten Belt(these are great for the Molten Core, as they provide you with Fire Resistance),Stormshroud Armor Set(four pieces set used mainly by Feral Druids),Shifting Cloak, and theLiving Breastplate(Suited mainly for Restoration Druids). ...
Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking ...
Consumables: Poussière magique/Grand filet: Rare items allowing an additional crowd control effect.Only use when in dire straits. Tubercule de navetille: Doesn’t share a CD with potions, making it useful to regain some health. Bombe éclairante: Useful against feral Druids or to scare away...
the improved strength and agility totems would boost the DPS of each hunter by about 10 DPS. A feral druid might gain 15-20 DPS. So if the group’s DPS increases by 50 DPS, over a 10-minute fight they would do an extra 30,000 damage. The spec sacrifices nothing in healing. What ...