Blizzard Europe: eu.blizzard.com, www.wow-europe.com, eu.wowarmory.com Add-ons: www.curse.com, www.wowinterface.com pictures: Imageshack.us, www.photobooth.net, photobucket.com Movies: Youtube.com, video.Google.com, Warcraftmovies.com Quest and item information: Allakhazam.com, Thottbot....
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sh...totem&cn=Yetun Reply With Quote «Previous Thread|Next Thread» Page 3 of 3First 1 2 3 Quick NavigationGeneral DiscussionsTop MMO-Champion »Forum »World of Warcraft »General Discussions ...
Due to no API or Armory in Classic the information obtained isn’t quite as comprehensive as that of Retail WoW. Nonetheless it will make finding something that will work for you much easier.Streams[6997 Watching] Maximum 6997 Tank goblin Texas Marauders[] JaseHealer Nurfed[] Fragnance DPS...
Horde EU-Kazzak (armory) Nerub-ar Palace | Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope | Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible | Vault Of The Incarnates | Sepulcher of the First Ones | Sanctum of Domination | Castle Nathria | Ny'alotha | The Eternal Palace | Crucible of Storms | Battle of Dazar'alor |...
Players on Argent Dawn were offered a free transfer to Steamwheedle Cartel on January 9th, 2006EU_English_Realms_Migration. In season one of the Arena Ladder, Argent Dawn was noted in the World of Warcraft Armory Hall of Fame for not having a single team in the top ten for any of ...
Re: WoW EU site down - Faction Change today? So, to the US Did the *whole* website go down for you guys when you got the Faction Change service? Including forums, Armory and such? 2009-09-09, 07:56 AM #32 Deleted Re: Wuut's with teh EU servers? 09/09/09 Hooray for ...
euaccounts@gmail.com Now we can transfer any of these characters to your own WoW Account. Name Change ServiceHERE! Sort by price More infoArmory link Unique = 18K Achievements = Arena Master = 240 Mounts = 25x 70 level = Tusks of Mannoro... ...
MAIN WOW CHARACTER : LINKED WOW CLASSIC ACCOUNT OR TBC ACCOUNT: Expansion Region Server Gear Link - Or Describe Gear -Create Armory Link Level Faction Class Number of Tier 7 Pieces Flying Speed Achievement Points Rare Mounts Alternate Characters: ...