Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession on Classic Servers with the established economy (few months after launch) -Do not expect to make a lot of Gold out of Engineering in the late Game. You will charge a fee for crafting a Rare Engi Item from time to time, but the biggest ...
Engineeringis the fact that almost all of the valuable Crafts require Engi Skill to use, which makes them almost unsellable, with a notable exception of some Gnomish/Goblin Engineering items that require Specialization to Craft but not to be used (which means that you can sell some Goblin Engi...
If you plan to one day switch and become an Engineer (or if you plan to play up an "alt" or secondary character as an Engi) then save as many stacks of rough stones as you can in your bank. Otherwise sell them to other players (more on this later) or sell them to npc merchants...
Hopefully you’ve taken mining as a second profession or you have access to a miner otherwise Engineering will be an expensive profession to take all the way to 450. I’ve worked some leeway into the guide, often by making extra when the recipe has turn yellow just incase you don’t get...