Warlock is an easy class when it comes to survivability, while it is hard when it come to the rotational complexity. Currently, the single-target variant of the spec only needs about 12–14 key binds, but the way that it is played may be difficult for some. One...
Necrosis— A Warlock special add-on helps you manage Soul Shards, Soul Stones, Health Stones, Fire Stones, and Spell Stones. It also provides an easy menu to summon demons, give buffs, summon players, apply curses, and tracks DoT timers. Classic Aura Durations; Classic Threat Meter; Classic...
Onyxia Summary by Role 3.1. Tanks Make sure to always face Onyxia away from the raid. You cannot do anything to Onyxia while she is flying with melee attacks, so tank the adds in Phase 2. You will need to build threat quickly once Onyxia lands for Phase 3 due to the threat resets. ...
You can heal 5 man dungeons as any spec, it'll just be a little bit harder or more water-intensive as enhancement. Classic WoW Warlock Tips Looking to play as a Warlock? Check out our Druid Leveling Guide for information on the best leveling builds, spells to buy, gear to obtain and ...
Warlock Overview Warlocks are masters of demons and dark magic, using curses and other afflictions to either reign down destruction on their foes or to rot them out. Warlocks are one of the top tier damage dealers in WoW Classic, while also being vital to any raid because of their unique ...
It has many more Features for Warlock and Priests. Download RisingGods Dominos Dominos is an addon that replaces your main bar with movable parts that offer additional customization. Dominos is used primarily for its action bars. Download GitHub MoveAnything MoveAnything enables you to move, scale,...
Melee Warlock Handbook: Tips and Considerations By DSAP Version 2.1 Foreword Melee Warlock, a suboptimal, raid unviable playstyle. This type of character leans heavily on damage over time spells, pets, and the firestone to do the bulk of it’s damage. It
Solo as a Death Knight The easiest spec to solo him in is Blood, provided you have the appropriate gear. I would recommend having over 160k hp in Blood Presence. The Chaos Blasts are ultimately quite survivable with judicious use of cooldowns, and made almost trivial with the use of Mirror...
Shadow priest, Warlock,Druid Think this is backwards. Hunter has deadzone and the leeway mechanic that is abusable to deal with. Spriest beats almost everything 1v1 Warlock is hands down God tier when geared out Thanks guys I appreciate all the replies. I should have specified “while leveli...