You can play it with a focus on single targeting enemies one by one, which is maybe one of the easiest specializations to play in WoW Classic, and extremely safe. The main downside is that it can be slow to level with, relative to the alternative. ...
BM is probably still the easiest spec to play in the game, and one of the best specs for new players to play if you want to just learn and can move all casting. The rotation for Beast Mastery Hunters has always been rather straightforward simple and easy, and t...
Rogue is one of the best DPS classes in WoW Classic, having incredibly high single-target burst, as well as strong cleave throughBlade Flurry. Through the abilityVanish, they are able to reset their threat, allowing them to continue DPSing where other classes would have to hold their DPS. ...
Rogue Rogues benefit from addons that track combo points and energy regeneration, letting you time your abilities perfectly. You’ll also find tools that make managing poisons and cooldowns effortless.Nug Energy Nug Energy— This is an essential Rogue add-on, as it shows the tick rate for ever...
Each rogue spec focuses on DPS, but has its own way of achieving this. Assassination rogues use poisons and finishing moves to deal bursts of damage to their targets; Subtlety rogues are dark stalkers, leaping from the shadows to ambush foes before slipping back into the night; Combat rogues...
When it comes to high level dungeons, equipment matters more for these things than spec, so keep sets for any roles you want to play after like 40. Almost every stat is relevant for you if you're feral, not as much Spirit. Your weapon damage and speed has 0 impact on bear and cat...
Rogue, Warlockand Warriorsections in case you’re looking for specific keybindings. Also, feel free to use the links above in the menu to navigate directly to the keybinding setups for each spec. These keybindings are designed and used by the best gamers out there, so you can know for ...
How to Get to Stormwind as a Night Elf in SoD Tools Talent Calculator Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS ...
An owl can tank perfectly well if you spec it for that - it's just that it will never be able to take quite as much punishment as a tank-specced bear. That's important so I'll say it again: The difference between different classes of pet is less than 5%, so the most important ...
Best Subtlety Rogue build: Number 9: Fire Mage (6208 DPS SIMMED) With fluent play and an excessively big set of high numbers Fire Mage is the way to go on topping the charts. This spec has the highest...