Very easy to find groups for dungeons/quests while leveling and LFG is always active. Horde is definitely smaller and harder to find groups but during primetime there is usually stuff being run. I’ve been able to run every dungeon from RFC, WC, SFK, and BFD on my fresh mage I’m ...
"Followers" in Follower Dungeons? Replies:13 Views: 3,868 SL1200 2024-01-20,02:43 PM Poll:Is WoW paving the way to "choose your own faction"? and do you like/want it?«123» Replies:48 Views: 6,520 Aggressive 2024-01-19,11:34 PM ...
special abilities in the dungeons located in their zone, and ways to teleport around the zone. And each offers different heroes to interact with and Soulbinds, followers who give you talents, to collect.
I’d like to thank all of you, my followers, my commenters, and my friends, for sharing this ride with me, and I hope you’ll transfer to the new site. For those of you who follow me on twitter, I will be linking the same twitter account to that blog, so you will continue to...
Embark on epic quests, delve into perilous dungeons, and begin exploring a vast and ever-changing world. Six epic expansions to discover, from The Burning Crusade to Legion. Lead your followers and fight the demonic Burning Legion to save Azeroth. Level to 110 and unlock new ways to play. ...
Sign in to follow this Followers 0 Go to topic listing Recently Browsing 0 members No registered users viewing this page. Similar Content Wrath Classic PvP Gear Significantly Discounted By Staff Blizzard has announced they reduced the costs of Wrath Classic PvP gear by 66%, due to lower Ho...
We were still deep inWrath Classic… so deep at times that I wasfalling through the world. We were giving heroic mode a try with dungeons,starting with The Nexus. Wegot it on the second tryand then went on anddid Utgarde Keep Heroic. ...
Dungeons [With realm restarts] The maximum number of Follower Dungeons that a player can enter in a 24-hour period has been increased to 50 (was 10). The presence of Followers in dungeons no longer decreases the XP earned by the human players. Player versus Player Fixed an issue preventing...
The concept of a sundering, or a world being reshaped, is a common theme found in fantasy. Tolkien described a reshaping of Arda, and lands lost to the seas in his writings, and the Dragonlance Dungeons and Dragons gameworld underwent the Cataclysm, where seas receded to the point that ...
The add-on does not work correctly in follower dungeons. I set the party to display the health bars using class colours, but it keeps showing everyone with green colour. This is a pity. as it is a well known trick to use them to configure everything. As it does not work, I cannot...