Havoc is also one of the easiest classes to play in Dragonflight, BUT they have gotten more difficult just because they have some more as Soul Rend builds into it, so it is a little bit more deliberate when you're trying to spin your Fury. Anyway, it's not ...
This might be a hot take, but if DK is crushing it in raid, but not at all represented in PvP, then just buff their PvP damage a little bit. Buff some PvP talents, throw a % damage dealt increase here or there. PvE and PvP tuning don’t have to be the same. People should be...
So, why do we have to wait until the release of Dragonflight to use vellums on the rest of enchanting? Why not just revert the changes before pre-patch that made it work before? 1 Reply 1Prettiness 1729 posts 70 Void Elf Priest 15435 Nov 2022 So to fix enchanting… they broke it ...