How to complete the main questline inWoW DragonflightPatch 10.2 Before you can start the Patch 10.2 main campaign, complete the Coalition of Flames questline. Image via Blizzard Entertainment The main questline inDragonflightPatch 10.2, including the Patch 10.1.7 chapter Coalition of Flames, hass...
Dragonflight, the main questline is a good place to reset and re-center. It is marked by quest givers with more prominent, bordered exclamation and question marks, as well as showing up on the top of your quest log.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight’s Embers of Neltharion update brought in a ton of fresh content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with an assortment of new enemies and items, a new main campaign quest series was also added, progressing the story of the expansion. As long as you ...
As listed in the previous section, after slaying C'Thun in theAQ40, you will be able to loot theEye of C'Thun, which starts a small quest line leading you toAnachronosin the Caverns of Time and rewarding you with reputation and the epic ring:Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight. ...
DragonflightThis section concerns content related to Dragonflight.Following the reclamation of the Ruins of Lordaeron by the Forsaken, the Scarlet Crusade mounted an assault on the undead yet again, claiming Fenris Isle and the Dawning Isles in Silverpine Forest under the command of Scarlet ...
World Map: updated mouse-over-quest-icon hooks. Updated TOC file version toWoW 11.0.0. Zone Story: Updated map and achievement IDs. Dragonflight: Updated weekly quest IDs. Fixed Tooltip: quests completed by other chars were not indicated as active. ...
Dragonflight hasn’t flown out yet, and many of us are still looking for some of the best mounts in the expansion. With 42 mounts added at launch and many more along the way, it can be hard to pick one to pursue. Stragglers–you are NOT alone! Why continue flying around on your ...
Assuming you have completed the main campaign questline for The War Within, you can start the quest chain for Siren Isle with Dawn, an NPC found within the Foundation Hall of Dornogal (41.8, 26.2). If you are prone to get sidetracked with side quests, below you will find a list of th...
Dragonflight is X or Y (because you haven't played it) I actually talk about DF's free trial. It's leveling content is tuned badly and if leveling is so bad, then endgame should be even worse, as it was back in SL for example, where Covenant campaign was extremely overtuned. But...