Unholy DK kind of already fills the Necro spot though. A ghoul is just an unfinished skeleton. Just need to let it decay a few more years. I'm a thread killer.Reply With Quote 2021-02-27, 04:19 PM #202 Shadowferal The Undying Join Date Nov 2015 Posts 34,989 Omg no... Don...
This means all abilities, rotations, resource and resource generation mechanics, cooldowns, stats, talents; every system that pertains to combat; has to fit carefully into the homogenized system we have right now. They tried something completely new with DK's and Monks, and we see that none of...
Performance: Comparable to Unholy in DPS, excellent on-demand burst Utility: Provides kiting tools and AoE stun with Remorseless Winter Verdict: Very viable Frost DKs were initially considered 'playable,' but upon further consideration, their capabilities are much closer to those of their ...
Row 2: Rapid Decomposition & Consumption (Not necessarily bad talents, just Hemostasis is SO good) Row 3: Fowl Bulwark Row 4: Mark of blood Unholy DK - Per row Row 2: Ebon Fever Row 6: Defile (again, overshadowed by Unholy Pact here) Frost DK - Per Row (I talked a lot about Fros...
.pvp_talents={ [<talent_id>]={ .talent_id .name_localized .icon .spell_id } ... }.lku-- last known unit id Usage Typical usage example. .pkgmeta Libs/LibGroupInSpecT-1.1: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/libgroupinspect/mainline/trunk ...
Unholy Festering Wound damage is now increased by 180% in PvP Combat (was 195%). Death Coil damage is now increased by 60% in PvP Combat (was 70%). Necrotic Wound now absorbs 3% of healing received (was 4%) and heals for up to 3% of the Death Knight’s maximum health (was 4...
Unholy is sort of difficult to play as it forces you to follow a lot of mechanics and is very dependent on long CD utilities. However, if you enjoy gathering big mobs of people while also surviving, the BDK will be to your liking. ...
Death knights engage their foes up-close, supplementing swings of their weapons with dark magic that renders enemies vulnerable or damages them with unholy power. They drag foes into one-on-one conflicts, compelling them to focus their attacks away from weaker companions. In order to prevent thei...
. and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no slowing effect. throw blast wave in there when he gets to close. Keep in mind the range on blast wave and frost nova. You can do both without the dk getting in range so ...
Going back all the way to the start of the Anniversary event, you advertised that Alterac Valley PVP Time Displaced vendors would sell iLvl 272 gear for the event. This has still not been fixed, as they sell iLvl 164 as of today. Maybe you can have them fixed by this time next year?