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Choose the best Cata Classic Account and the seller you want to buy from. Click "Buy Now" and check the agreement box. Add a note to the seller if necessary. Complete the payment using any method available and click "Pay Now".
You don’t think Cata raids don’t have a large influx of only the highest DPS classes? Massive Unholy DK and Survival hunter representation? Best tanks? Druids and Blood DK dominating the ladder? Argorwal <Synergy> 30185 posts 80 Human Monk 30245 1 Jul 2024 There is a large spectrum ...
So, naturally it feels bad that a large portion of my “BiS” every tier comes from content not related to Mythic Raiding. I have to farm M+ for the latest DK trinket, whether it be IQD, Puzzle Box, Fragment, or Mirror (to name a few). These have all been BiS for my sp...
So what is the benefit to a blood dk? Seems bad. There are other (better) benefits. It's not bad. (Celestalon) PvE Curious if devs feel WoW has become too difficult to play at endgame for the average player? A need to do "homework" to play. We don't think so....
理论排行,AF SS LR DK 读条流增强萨,贼 都是第一集团,理论木桩的排名非常平滑,第十名是第一名的90%以上,所以完全不用担心自己的职业怎么怎么不强。LR这种远程 瞬发职业,在每个版本的初期都是非常非常强大的存在,要点单有单点,要AOE有AOE。虽然之前的版本到了后期一身BIS装备,近战,火法...
無論單目標還是多目標的戰鬥中,沸血術都不在我們的輸出循環中,這個天賦看起來對冰DK沒有太大用處。 現在通過傳染散播的疾病效果,將造成100%的傷害,而不是cata中的50%,因此在AoE中疾病總是值得通過傳染保持的。如果選擇了這個天賦,需要傳染的時候你可以使用沸血術代替。
The Lost Time DKPS Horde The mass Alliance The Mercenaries Horde the nefarious order Alliance The New Age Alliance the new order Horde The Night Watch Alliance The Nightfall Alliance The Nine Horde The older dark templar Alliance The One Alliance The One Chance Alliance The pantheon 60 Alliance ...