The blood DK tank is the hardest tank to play effectively.This is because of the constant need to pay attention to all your spec’s details in order to maximize your tanking ability. I won’t lie – this can become overbearing at times for beginners, but with practice it is something yo...
This PR adds a pretty hefty section on Runic Power usage to the Blood DK guide, along with some other more core-ish changes: a new core SuggestionBox component that can be used in a guide to have high-level suggestions that the user can drill down into for more detail an extension of...
Azortharion has wrote and updated a guide over on Icy-Veins that is all about simming yourself. It is quite long and detailed but should tell you pretty much everything you need to know about Raidbots. It’s relevant for ALL CLASSES as well. How to Sim Your WoW Character? A Guide to ...
Disc– Reference to Discipline spec Priests. Discipline Priests are healers that focus on absorption mechanics rather than actual healing. Rather than filling health bars, Discipline Priests attempt to prevent them from emptying. Quickly identified by their signature ability Penace. DK– Death Knight H...
So what is the benefit to a blood dk? Seems bad. There are other (better) benefits. It's not bad. (Celestalon) PvE Curious if devs feel WoW has become too difficult to play at endgame for the average player? A need to do "homework" to play. We don't think so....
Be wary of their heals, primarily bloodworms, which can be killed in a quick AoE, like arcane nova. The Deathknight has very few range spells that deal any significant damage but they can snare/slow you down easily. Frost dk tanks can put you (and some more enemy in close range) into...
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Icy Veins Blood, Frost, and Unholy Death Knight Raiding Guides (Mists of Pandaria)Elitist Jerks the dominant theorycraft sites' DK forums.Collapse Playable classes Classes Death knight Demon hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior About death knights Death ...
This transmog item will have you at the grill in no time once you’ve cleaned the blood off your armor! Or you can leave it and just cook it in unsanitary conditions. Seasoning, perhaps? Hallowfall Supply Cache Cost: 750 Flame-Blessed Iron Reason for selection: It’s a toy that lets ...