英文名:Disgusting Oozeling复制 中文代码英文代码 恶心的软泥怪 瞬发 右键点击以召唤或解散你的恶心的软泥怪。恶心的软泥怪自带一种恶心光环的效果,会显著降低你的防御值。 法术细节 持续时间n/a 类型物理 机制n/a 驱散类型n/a GCD类别n/a 花费无
Overview: Disgusting Oozeling is one of the coolest looking Companion in World of Warcraft Classic. It makes you glow green when you have it active. It has a low chance (approximately 1%) to be found in Oozing Bag that can be looted from various Oozes, Slimes, and Sludges in Felwood, ...
and although they do not have too good Loot Table, they might be still worth Grinding. This spot is a long shot, so be warned. Felwood Oozes have a small chance to DropOozing Bagwhich in turn has a small chance to contain theDisgusting Oozeling Pet(this pet is used to throw off var...
Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, and tell you how lucky you've been so far. Although it's mostly used for...
pet collector, but in the month or so before LK went nuts with grinding out every cool pet I could. Unless the grind was particularly horrific (Hyacinth Macaw), I got it. This included rarities like the Black Tabby Cat and Disgusting Oozeling. I always had the most pets of anyone I ...
Be it the Hyacith Macaw, any of the Whelplings, or a Disgusting Oozeling, we all know the pain of trying to farm something with insanely low drop rates or other challenging obstacles. Mojo, the loveable blue frog found in the level 70 dungeon of Zul'Aman, is definitely on that list....
You think you can make more money farming?Dream on and get real, I’d even take a bet on that(and I don’t take bets easily). With Auctioneer, you will be scanning the AH two/three times a day. Do this for 3-4 weeks and you’ll have a pretty accurate spreadsheet of how you ...
英文名:Disgusting Oozeling复制 中文代码英文代码吃瓜台代码提交G团成交价 恶心的软泥怪ID: 20769 Disgusting Oozeling 物品等级 55 灵魂绑定 唯一 使用:右键点击以召唤或解散你的恶心的软泥怪。恶心的软泥怪自带一种恶心光环的效果,会显著降低你的防御值。
远程:3 - 4 样子展示 屏幕截图 (4) WowheadWowhead链接链接3D查看3D查看 英文名:Disgusting Oozeling复制 这个NPC的位置未知。 相关 受制技能(1) 受制技能(1) 召唤者(1) 召唤者(1) 声音(5) 声音(5) 1—1的1 名称 技能 中文:软泥怪的恶心光环 ...
英文名:Oozeling's Disgusting Aura 复制 中文代码 英文代码 软泥怪的恶心光环100码范围瞬发 使主人的所有抗性和防御值降低20点。光环软泥怪的恶心光环 所有抗性降低20点,防御值降低20点。天哪!法术细节持续时间 n/a 类型 自然 机制 n/a 驱散类型 n/a GCD类别 n/a 花费 无 范围 100 码 (视野范围) 施法...