Righteous Fury on/off. * Left-Click to cast. Seal Button | Middle (Seals): * Mouse-Wheel (Up/Down) to cycle through Seals. * Right-Click to cast. Drag Dot: Hover over will produce a tooltip on its usage and status colors. (Tooltips can be disabled in the PallyPower Options Panel)...
local addName= 'Tooltips' local Save={ setDefaultAnchor=true,--指定点 --AnchorPoint={},--指定点,位置 --cursorRight=nil,--'ANCHOR_CURSOR_RIGHT', setCVar=e.Player.husandro, ShowOptionsCVarTips=e.Player.husandro,--显示选项中的CVar inCombatDefaultAnchor=true, ctrl= e.Player.husandro,--...
IsActionInRange(slot,[unit]) - Test if an action is in range (1=yes, 0=no, nil=not applicable). IsAttackAction(slot) - Return 1 if an action is an 'attack' action (flashes during combat), nil otherwise. IsAutoRepeatAction(slot) - Return 1 if an action is auto-repeating, nil ot...
3.x alwaysCompareItems 0 Game Account Always show item comparison tooltips 2.x 🛡️ alwaysShowActionBars 0 Game Account Whether to always show the action bar grid 5.x animFrameSkipLOD 0 Graphics animations will skip frames at distance AreaTriggerEventLog 0 AreaTriggers 0 8.0.1 assa...
Vendor Price: Adds item vendor prices directly to their tooltips for easy reference. Wowhead Client: An addon and application to contribute data to Wowhead’s extensive database. Leatrix Plus: Enhances the user interface with quality-of-life improvements, such as auto-selling gray items, auto-acc...
Updated the tooltips of Vulnerable Flesh, Vicious Cycle, and Tooth and Claw to specify both Maul and Raze. Lunar Beam radius increased to eight yards (was five yards) and now grants 15 percent Mastery on cast. Moonless Night damage increased to 20 percent (was 10 percent). Untamed Savagery...
by arith. An Atlas plug-in that displays world events on the world map. AtlasLoot Enhanced by Hegarol, Daviesh, arith, Celellach, Kurax, Lag123. Allows for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow it...
RatingBuster started out as an addon that converts combat ratings in your tooltips into percentages, so that you have more meaningful information when comparing different items. The design aim of RatingBuster is to provide detailed, meaningful and customizable information about items so you can easily...
Consecration, Divine Hammer, and Divine Storm tooltips now correctly update when Burning Crusade is talented. Crusading Strikes tooltip now updates damage types correctly. Expurgation tooltip has been updated to be clearer. Art of War changed to a circle on the talent tree. Templar’s Verdict and...
This option has no effect unless you turn on item value display on tooltips. You should still use the base value for determining between two items at endgame, but the current value can be helpful when leveling and to make it easier to decide whether it's worth immediately equipping ...