Diablo Immortal is building towards thereturn of Diablo himselfto the free-to-play mobile game later this year, according to Blizzard's 2024 content roadmap. It more recently released a new class, thewater-bending Tempest, joining the Blood Knight as the game's second never-be...
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Diablo Immortal - lmao… nuff, said. They better hope D4 hits a homerun. Waiting to do something with the SC2 universe as a backup to a possible failed game is bad from a business perspective how? Diablo immortal was exactly what they wanted it to be, a test of the market. I bet...
As Kern points out,stock in Activision has dropped by 7 percent after the outrage overDiablo Immortal. Kern's comments echo the thoughts of others who have stated that the problem isn't an angry fanbase; the problem is that Blizzard isn't in touch with what their players want from the co...
Taking some inspiration from Diablo's Demon Hunter. Too bad it was drowned by other users there, dismissing it as a non-possibility Never say never. According to this guy's analysis, Blizzard is adding classes from the pool of Warcraft 3 heroes. And, according to that analysis, Dark ...
Again no issues with Diablo Immortal just WOW both on Blizzard Elocin-mugthol May 25, 2024, 12:01am 26 Almawt: Yes, everything has been checked. Okay, so where is the network test data? You’re asking for assistance here but not providing other players with anything to facilitate ...
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最后再说回网易和暴雪的结晶【Diablo Immortal】,该游戏的Android端最早于2020年6月份开始投放,目前双端累计去重创意超1.2万条。不过现在这款游戏的营销已经进入收缩阶段了,双端单月投放的创意已经不足千条,且创意的丰富程度也大不如前。 投放于去年11月的素材,现在依旧是热度最高的 ...