WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 Tank Tier Sets Ranked by Spec The Luck of the Draw mechanic dominates tank tier sets, providing major defensive cooldowns and utility enhancements when taking damage. Here’s how each tank set ranks: S Tier Protection Paladin: Prot Paladins gain Holy Power refunds and ex...
This is a main-tank build that assumes you mostly go into Cat Formfor heavy movement, if at all. Otherwise, if you want to maximize your Cat Form DPS, please refer to theFeral Druid DPS talent build. As Furoris not necessary for a main-tank build, we can put all points into the ...
Hunters are really struggling with their ST damage, can you please buff them by another 5%, also since we’re talking about tuning, might be appropriate to nerf WW and havoc DH. But wait,“we don’t talk about Havoc oh oh oh”
I didn't say "support druids" aka druids that were forced to play stupidly didn't exist you are the one claiming that they couldn't tank. there's a difference. my whole point is there has never been such thing as a dedicated support class in wow. you keep coming up with examples ...
i have rank 3 twilight devastation ring which makes 9% of my dmg IN TANK SPEC (as its based on hp) for dps its under 5%, and i cant possibly equip other corrupted items with it, so if i equip my better stat ring and corrupted +% of mastery and crit items it increase my dps mor...
Tankzorx - Vapenayshon - Tokzik - Riworra - Akrenite - Website: unknown profile administrator(s): hzd last updated by hzd 19...
Broker_LootSpec by Timmeh. Simple loot specialisation display broker/LDB with specialisation selection in its tooltip. Broker_LootType by lloydbates. Displays information about the current loot method, the quality threshold and provides access to changing both. ...
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply eve...
We did not need a strict 5% HPS buff, we just needed something to address our other core issues: (A) we are not a haste spec and (B) lack of external CDs and (C) impossibility to do damage and heal at the same time. Which explains your comment: It does NOT matter if RShaman ...
Although you should by no means do this when things are going well, if the tank is having to deal with multiple mobs, and his health bar indicates that he is about to die, don't be afraid to use Distracting Shot to pull one of them onto yourself, but make sure it stays on you. ...