This macro allows you to sap and pickpocket with a single button. You do not have to worry about targeting any mobs either, as it is a mouseover macro. Simply mouse over the appropriate mob and click the macro. #showtooltip Pick pocket /cleartarget /use [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Sap /use...
When you press a key while the cursor is over a unit frame, the unit frame doesn't intercept the key press the way it intercepts mouse clicks. This is why your macro would work as expected if bound to a regular key, but doesn't work as expected when bound to a mouse button. As o...
A lot of macros in this section make use of mouseover. The mouseover target is simply a target which is under your mouse pointer. This can be the frame of any friendly unit in your UI, or a friendly player you are mousing over in your play area. This does not change your current ...
Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone /use Minor Healthstone /use Lesser Healthstone /use Healthstone /use Greater Healthstone /use Major Healthstone /use Master Healthstone /stopmacro [combat] /cast [nocombat] Create Healthstone Hunter feedpet macro replace...
You can bind the following macro by a key and then run it while your mouse over the frame in question:/run local f = GetMouseFocus(); if f then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(f:GetName()) end /click can be used for many different purposes. You can chain together multiple macros by...
当你在宏命令里输入/Cast 技能名(技能等级)或者只要按住Shift同时用鼠标点击一下你想要输入的技能的图标。例如当你是一个战士,想制作一个使用战斗怒吼的宏时,你可以输入/Cast Battle Shout(Rank 1)或者是直接按住Shift点击Battle Shout这个技能的图标。当然你可以在一个宏的不同行上输入几个技能,那么当你使用这个...
Adds a "target of mouseover" frame. The "mouseover" is the unit who is under your mouse-cursor. MultiRaidAlert by eviloz. Provides you with a movable panel with several sets, each made of 1 to 12 configurable buttons. Multishot
当你在宏命令里输入/Cast 技能名(技能等级)或者只要按住Shift同时用鼠标点击一下你想要输入的技能的图标。例如当你是一个战士,想制作一个使用战斗怒吼的宏时,你可以输入/Cast Battle Shout(Rank 1)或者是直接按住Shift点击Battle Shout这个技能的图标。当然你可以在一个宏的不同行上输入几个技能,那么当你使用这个...
Stacked items for sale at the auction house now display the per unit price and per unit buyout price in the item mouseover. The profession UI search field has been improved and now allows for searching of more types of things. For instance you can search for items by socket color, by ...
Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone /use Minor Healthstone /use Lesser Healthstone /use Healthstone /use Greater Healthstone /use Major Healthstone /use Master Healthstone /stopmacro [combat] /cast [nocombat] Create Healthstone Hunter feedpet macro replace...