/console floatingCombatTextPetSpellDamage 1 伤害字体变大 1是1倍 2是2倍 以此类推 /console WorldTextScale 1 伤害字体蹦出来 1是代表幅度,数字越大幅度越大 /console floatingCombatTextCombatDamageDirectionalScale 1 关闭天气效果 0关闭 1打开 2增强 以此类推 /console weatherDensity 0 伤害字体去掉逗号 1有...
/console WorldTextScale 2 code> 上图这个跳起的治疗术是修改后的战斗字体,是不是跳的很爽;战斗伤害字体显示/隐藏 伤害数字,1为显示,0为关闭 /console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1 code> 治疗字体显示/隐藏 治疗数字,1为显示,0为关闭 /console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1 code> 其他可...
3、直接在游戏聊天输入以下内容歼吵:/consolefloatingCombatTextCombatDamage1(伤害数字,1为显示,0为关闭)、/consolefloatingCombatTextCombatHealing1(治疗数字,1为显示,0为关闭)即可。 4、在游戏中点开界面设置扰改贺,找到伤害数字显示,并把它打开。 5、魔兽世界伤害数字不见了解决办法:根本的解决办法,立竿见影,...
In case you are using TukUI combat text, you can go to TukUI > UnitFrames > Scrolling Combat Text. For optimal results, ensure that you have turned both the options on. Use the Console Command Using a console command also seems to fix the problem for plenty of players. You will have...
MikScrollingBattleText Classic: Displays scrolling combat text during battles. Parrot 2: An alternative to MikScrollingBattleText for displaying combat text. Nameplate Scrolling Combat Text: Displays scrolling combat text directly on nameplates. Clique: Enables mouseover and click-casting for spells, rem...
CombatText:HookScript("OnEvent", Test) It will only print heal on me, special effects, damage that i take and so on... but nothing about damage that i deal. So i take a look on other solutions, I inspectedScrolling Combat Text - DamageAddOn, and it looks like it only turn off Bli...
The /console enable command or launching the game with the WoW.exe -console argument will allow you to open the Console window in-game by pressing the ` or ~ key. Config.wtf[] The Config.wtf file stores settings mostly relevant to game startup, such as gxMaximize for the screen window...
AutoCombatLogger is a World of Warcraft addon that automatically enables or disables the combat log based on location. It's specifically tailored to control the logging based on the raid name and difficulty. Logging can be controlled for the following locations: ...
Sigh... no, they are not moving that frame; those add-ons disable Blizzard's default combat text and then create some scrolling combat text frames of their own. As their descriptions clearly point it out, they are "replacement(s) for Blizzard's Floating Combat Text and Damage output"11...
local addName= format(CLUB_FINDER_LOOKING_FOR_CLASS_SPEC, INTERRUPTS, format(CLUB_FINDER_LOOKING_FOR_CLASS_SPEC, DISPELS, ACTION_SPELL_STOLEN)) local Save={} local panel=CreateFrame("Frame") local de=' > '--分隔符 --if e.Player.Lo== "zhCN" or e.Player.Lo == "zhTW" or e.Player...