Thanks for reading! Hopefully this guide has helped make the leveling process for your priest a lot easier inWotLK Classic! If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and be sure to subscribe to High Ground for more useful guides! Happy gaming!
The Dark Portal has opened on Onyxia! Be sure to check it out, you can log in with your regular WotLK 3.3.5a game client. ONYXIA November 2, 2024 Onyxia has released its TBC pre-patch including new Talent Trees, Blood Elves and Draenei!The journey through the Dark Portal will commence ...
This build takes 23 points into Disc to get Imp Divine Spirit. If you are the only Priest in a raid I definatley think this is the way to go. Some of the points in the early Tiers of the Disc tree are interchangeable, but to me, the important ones are: 2/2 Imp PW:F, 1/1 ...
Do someone have free RestedXP for ERA classic? By _Stunning_Lady_ in forum World of Warcraft General Replies: 5 Last Post: 3 Weeks Ago, 05:17 AM [Buying] ⚡BUYING &SELLING ⚡Classic/Retail/Wotlk/Era⚡ By MMorder in forum World of Warcraft Buy Sell Trade Replies: 5 Last Post...
Posts: 1 Cast Druid Forms Hello! I started developing an addon and I have encounter an issue. (Wotlk Classic) The addon is able to cast the spell of mounts owned by the user. The user can store his flying and ground mount and with a simple macro: ...
Jesus, I can't imagine, which talents I chosen, when played priest :? Almost all of them are useless, compared to Cata talents. Yep. My priest was 33/18 in classic, I think that was a popular choice, because deeper disc talents did something, unlike deep holy talents I guess Reply...
A group of 15-20 current WoW Players/Gaming Friends/RL Friends is seeking another similar group of people to form a casual/raiding guild for Classic. We are currently rolling Horde on Grobbulus, but would probably be op…
Played vanilla through WotLK then went pretty casual. I have been playing on pservers last few years. Raided mythic in WoD. Looking to join a semi-hardcore PvE server guild, Horde or Ally doesn’t really matter. I’ll be …