Once the Burning Crusade was over, the Lightforged turned their attention to Azeroth, where the draenei were living. Foreseeing the upcoming war between the Alliance and the Horde, the Lightforged decided to stand alongside their new allies after millennia separated. ...
After the Outland campaign, Magni sent Thargas Anvilmar to Menethil Harbor to meet a ship and its passengers from Theramore Isle and to deliver them to Ironforge.[27] Magni had diplomatically approached Stormwind for assistance against the ever-increasing Dark Iron threat, citing their destruction ...
Fan Central Current Pagestranscludedonto the current version of this page: Template:Alliance(view source) Template:Ambox(view source) (protected) Template:Amdiv(view source) (protected) Template:Cata-inline(view source) Template:Cata-section(view source) ...
Supposedly, it transports you to a hidden vault where a runeblade named Frostmourne is held. Muradin Bronzebeard: We came here to recover Frostmourne, but the closer we came to finding the way gate, the more undead we encountered.Arthas: Behold, Muradin, our salvation, Frostmourne. Murdadin ...
In the Classic cinematic Ironforge (displayed as the City of Ironforge in the overworld) is the capital city of the dwarves, proud members of the Alliance. It is the ancestral home of the Bronzebeard dwarves, and one of the oldest cities of Azeroth.[1] The Council of Three Hammers rules ...
What I think he’s talking about is weapon speed coefficients. They normalized weapon speed in Vanilla but players were able to calculate that Classic was using Retails coefficients. Other than that it’s just normal bugs you’d expect. 1 Like Bricklethumb-anvilmar July 12, 2019, 4:20pm...