and not only that. After your group is ready, you and your party members have to go to your chosen Raid on foot or send a Warlock ahead and make him summon everybody via his Ritual of Summoning.Meeting Stones*work differently in Classic (and were added quite late, in...
Against Warlocks: Relatively easy prey which can often end up in a « perfect » (taking 0 damage).Warlocks can’t really deal with stunlocks. If the Warlock manages to cast a Fear however, the Rogue can die very fast.Therefore, don’t ever let him cast Fear. Against Druids: If ...
Classic Warlock Guide Rating: Leveling your warlock In Vanilla, you can Generally take on 2 mobs at once pretty easily allowing for fast leveling! One is DoT’d and VW tanked, while the other is DoT’d and running around feared. 3 mobs can be a bit trickier, One DoT’d and tanked by...
In Legion, during the Argus world boss Succubus, i would que into several groups with my afflic warlock, save all my shards and cds for the moment she casts MC. Oh the funzies!And yes, pre-nerf Scholo and Strath were awesome, but also problematic. I had a hard time to get a ...
Pro warlock tip WoW ClassicWoW Classic General Discussion Problematic-felstrikerOctober 2, 2019, 1:14am1 Most people know by now affi is the most efficient spec to level as, dotting up and wanding to do good damage while letting your mana regen, something i see not many warlocks using or ...
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, this guide has helped you with leveling and learning how to play your warlock inWotLK Classic.If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and be sure to subscribe to High Ground for more useful guides!
Warlock pet customizationsinclude options to tweak all your demon buddies, fromImp, Felhunter, Voidwalker, and DoomguardstoSayaad, Infernal, and Felguards. As you’d imagine, the demon pet customizations will be scattered all across Azeroth and Outland, but most of these demonic customizations wi...
Vanilla WoW Warlock Pet Macros Vanilla WoW Guides Succubus Seduce Upon use, the macro will Focus your target, and have your succubus Seduce it. When used for the second time, and your Focused target,… Vanilla WoW Druid Macros Vanilla WoW Guides As a note these macros are from 2007, ...
Vanilla WoW Warlock Pet Macros Vanilla WoW Guides Succubus Seduce Upon use, the macro will Focus your target, and have your succubus Seduce it. When used for the second time, and your Focused target,… WotLK Cooking Guide 1 – 450 (Alliance) WotLK Guides This guide will help you get your...
A wisedruidseeking to restore nature's balance? A meditativemonkseeking inner peace and enlightenment? Or a darkwarlockdelving deep into demonic powers? Choosing a class whose background you enjoy can add a lot to playing your character.