英文名:Tribal Leatherworking 复制 中文代码 英文代码 将1件蛮皮外衣和1件蛮皮头盔交给菲拉斯的凯雷希亚·猎月。完成这项任务之后,你就可以学到部族制皮技术了。同时,你也将永远无法学习元素制皮技术和龙鳞制皮技术,在决定之前先考虑清楚。 蛮皮外衣 蛮皮头盔...
概要 等级: 55 要求等级: 40 阵营:联盟 开始:凯雷希亚·猎月 结束:凯雷希亚·猎月 可以分享 任务难度:4051535866 关闭任务 龙鳞制皮 元素制皮 相关联的信息 截图 WowheadWowhead 英文名:Tribal Leatherworking复制 任务需求 蛮皮外衣 蛮皮头盔 任务描述
2 x Nightscape Boots (Leatherworking quest) -32 x Thick Leather 239-240 1 x Wild Leather Vest (Tribal Leatherworking quest) -12 x Thick Leather, 2 x Wildvine & 1 x Cured Thick Hide 240-241 1 x Wild Leather Helmet (Tribal Leatherworking quest) -10 x Thick Leather, 2 x Wildvine &...
Felstriker, Blackblade of Shahram, Blackhand Doomsaw, Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge, Dal’Rend’s Tribal Guardian, Finkle’s Skinner, Draconian Deflector, Truestrike Shoulders, Briarwood Reed All T0 Chests, Gauntlets of Elements, Devout Mantle, Pauldrons of Elements, Spaulders of Valor, Lightforge Sp...
Friendly Pattern: Warbear Harness Tribal Leatherworking (275) 1 44 Friendly Pattern: Warbear Woolies Tribal Leatherworking (285) 1 98 Honored Formula: Enchant Weapon - Agility Enchanting (290) 2 70 Honored Pattern: Wisdom of the Timbermaw Tailoring (290) 1 98 Honored Pattern: Might of the ...
Leatherworking profitability largely depends on the chosen specialization. The most profitable of the three is by far Tribal Leatherworking because it gives you access to Devilsaur Set Recipes that are in high demand. However, Devilsaur Leather can be hard to come by, as Devilsaur spawns are ...
However, if you level up quickly and get an opportunity to farm some Devilsaur Leathers, this combination might turn out to be the most profitable out there (Devilsaur Set, crafted by Tribal Leatherworkers, is the pre-Raid Bis for a few Classes and the demand for it will be very high ...
Description: Only useful for tribal l/w to make devilsaur set. Drops: Devilsaur leather. Est G/H: not added (please suggest value) Azshara Blood Elves Description: Blood elves in north east Azshara, go down fast but camped usually
英文名:Tribal Leatherworking 复制 中文代码 英文代码 将1件蛮皮外衣和1件蛮皮头盔交给菲拉斯的凯雷希亚·猎月。完成这项任务之后,你就可以学到部族制皮技术了。同时,你也将永远无法学习元素制皮技术和龙鳞制皮技术,在决定之前先考虑清楚。 蛮皮外衣 蛮皮头盔...
开始:瑟伊布 结束:瑟伊布 可以分享 任务难度:4051535866 关闭任务 龙鳞制皮 元素制皮 相关联的信息 截图 WowheadWowhead 英文名:Tribal Leatherworking复制 任务需求 蛮皮外衣 蛮皮头盔 任务描述 任务奖励 部族制皮 任务返回 任务完成 任务奖励 4200 经验 (2520满级可获得)...