Brian Birmingham was fired before he could quit. He refused to go along with "stack ranking". Active Thread Warnings: This thread is getting d
Cataclysm Classic Discussion Oct 2022 1 / 499 Oct 2022 Back Jan 2023 Nastía<Touch My TotemZ> 253 posts 70 Human Paladin8505 Oct 2022 Plz bring back the experience buff, as it is it takes like 2 months to get to 1-80 x.x 4 Replies ...
I noticed the Classic was still live. So, I logged on and started lvling one of my characters. I was surprised by how active the server Westfall is. I see a good number of Horde too. It is very much alive - there are even more people on the pvp cluster. But regardless of which ...
wow.export is a node-webkit port ofMarlamin'sWoW Export Toolswhich provides tools for extracting and converting files from the World of Warcraft game client or public CDN servers. Features Supports both Retail and Classic game clients. Complete online support allowing streaming of all files without...
Official videos related to the Warcraft universe. Please insert in priority the videos taken from the official channels.
Go to Classic Pure then. Don't let the door hit your cape on the way out. IDK what Classic Pure is but I can't fathom how people would want to engage in something that's just a big swipe fest and try to out swipe each other. Seems like a broken view of Vanilla World of Wa...
26 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities to Make a Real Impact (Without Leaving the Couch) wellness by Sydney Meister The “Bored Uncle Theory” Just Affirmed That My Guy Friends Were Right—My Situationship Wasn’t Sexy, It Was Just Boring
WoW Classic - Thank You For Your Reports Over the last few months, we’ve been accelerating our efforts to deal with certain kinds of cheating that players often call “bots” – the use of automation to play the game in exploitative ways. As you know,
Though this is a new expansion, here are some classic items that any player would need no matter the time and place: Consumables: Potions, elixirs, food, and flasks are necessities any adventurer should have in their bags. It doesn’t matter what activity they want to do, as these can ...
Bcause things will change in the pre-patch, then a lot of the different quests that you could usually do in original Classic will no longer be doable. Some quests will still be, but the quest rewards will also change. In Stranglethorn Vale, there’s a Level 45 rare NPC called Scale Be...