The logic behind this macro is that the first press will use a skill that disables opponents, while the second press will immediately start a bandage for self-healing. 2.10. Rare Tagging / Targeting Macro /target Owatanka /cast Fire Blast This is the macro that will get you the tag when ...
Classic Paladin Macro Templates 2.1. Downranking #showtooltip Consecration /cast Consecration(rank 2) /cast [mod:shift] Consecration(rank 1) Downranking spells to conserve Mana is an important part of your normal gameplay. These macros can help you manage and remember what binds you use to down...
where [] is to prevent the macro complaining about no target (for a self target) 9 Likes Klownn-grobbulus December 26, 2023, 3:10am 11 Sorry for necro, but you know a way to have this work on mobs, for damage spells? cheersHome...
Someone posted a link to this thread in response to a question concerning stance-dance macro, yesterday. While the post isn’t classic-specific, it does appear to be a good overview of macro syntax, and most classic deviations can be inferred:
(me included) comes here and is looking for a ready to go macro. In most cases you get happy here with the macros. This really gets relevant when you want to even be remotely competitive. I myself never really played WoW because I simply can’t play without GSE(I played classic till...
The macro needs to target the NPC, and if necessary open up the repair or vendor page. The bot will click the key and the npc will be targetted. Then it will click the interact button which will cause the bot to move to the NPC and open the NPC options, this may be enough to ...
/script if UnitExists(“target”) then SetRaidTarget(“target”, 8); PlaySoundFile(“sound/interface/raidwarning.ogg”,”Master”); SendChatMessage(“Target %t aquired!”,”PARTY”,”common”,”party”) else end 0 Reply Pippina Author 5 years ago I just added a macro for Innervate ...
GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler - Classic Download Complete More AddOns to Consider.
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
Classic ThreatMeter by Xabora. Allows you to see the threat bars Blizzard had originally implemented in WoW. ClassIcons by Yorgl. Shows the class icons of your group members and the target. ClassicPowerText by cralor. Shows your current value of power (Mana, Energy, Focus, Rage, Runic Pow...