The Cenarion Circle is an organization of druids, consisting of tauren, troll, night elf, and worgen, named after Cenarius. Its members are dedicated to protecting nature and restoring the damage done to it by malevolent forces.[1]
The Stockade is the Alliance counterpart to Ragefire Chasm, as it is located directly in Stormwind City. It is a high-security prison housing several violent criminals, but they’re no longer being guarded. You can clear through the jail to shutdown the prison revolution, but The Stockade do...
The Molten Core is a level 60 raid dungeon located within Blackrock Mountain, home and seat of power[1] to Ragnaros the Firelord. It was one of two forty (40) player raid dungeons available upon release of World of Warcraft, the other being Onyxi
The local Postal Service has grown tired of walking so far each day to collect mail and has decided to install a large number of new mailboxes in Stormwind, Undercity, Darnassus and Orgrimmar. Mathiel in Darnassus has finally earned himself enough money from your repair bills that he was ...
Stormwind <-> Thorium Point Grom'gol Base Camp <-> Flame Crest Ratchet <-> Gadgetzan, Astranaar, Brackenwall Village Brackenwall Village <-> Ratchet, Camp Taurajo, Freewind Post Thunderbluff <-> Zoram'gar Outpost Evergrove <-> Toshley's Station Honor Hold <-> ShattrathMany flight paths...
Ink Traders have been added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Jewelcrafting Meta gems with the Chaotic and Relentless prefixes now have a requirement of 3 red gems. New meta gems have been added: [Agile Shadowspirit Diamond] (Agility/3% critical damage), [Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond] (Strength...
In Stormwind’s Mage Quarter and Orgrimmar’s Valley of Strength, new venues are now open where your faction has consolidated gateways to the other continents of Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor. Holiday Updates Children’s Week has been updated with new quests, new rewards, four new pets, and ...
(The recipe is sold by Maria Lumere in Stormwind City and Algernon in Undercity.) The somewhat tricky part to creating these potions is that they require 3 x Ghost Mushrooms each (so 30 in total), and these rare herbs can be found only in The Hinterlands (in the cave beneath Skulk ...
In Stormwind. Tides of Vengeance[] This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth. Sometime later, Tyrande returned to Darkshore to undergo the ritual of the Night Warrior: the incarnation of Elune's fury. Legend said that long ago, the Night Warrior was used by the night elve...
WoWDB Collapse Classicreputationfactions Alliance Darnassus Exodar Gilneas Gnomeregan Ironforge Obsidian Warders Stormwind Tushui Pandaren Wintersaber Trainers Alliance Forces Bizmo's Brawlpub The League of Arathor Silverwing Sentinels Stormpike Guard ...