Die on purpose at the ogres and you should end up at Southshore. Take ress sickness. Turn in Noble Deaths, Dark Council and The Ensorcelled Parchment. Accept Stormpike Deciphering. 38-38 Dustwallow Marsh Fly to Menethil Harbor. Take the boat to Theramore Set HS! Fly to Gadgetzan, run to...
Southshore Elwynn Forest Theramore Dustwallow Marsh Thelsamar Loch Modan Theramore Dustwallow Marsh Cenarion Hold Silithus Horde Flight Paths Kalimdor Destinations Zone Eastern Kingdom Destinations Zones Camp Mojache Feralas Booty Bay Stranglethorn Vale ...
Nighthaven Village (South of) Moonglade Southshore Hillsbrad Foothills Cenarion Hold Silithus Thelsamar Loch Modan Stonetalon Peak Stonetalon Mountains Lakeshire Redridge Mountains Gadgetzan Tanaris Thorium Point Searing Gorge Ruth’Theran Village
Strand of the Ancients (removed) Southshore vs Tarren Mill Temple of Kotmogu Twin Peaks Warsong Gulch Dungeon Instance MapsMain article: Instance mapsCataclysm Boat and Zeppelin Route MapSome Zeppelin and Boat routes have changed since the Cataclysm Expansion (4.0.3a). The map below details...
The night elves of Teldrassil claim the shore as part of their new kingdom, and sentinels patrol the road from the port of Lor'danel towards Ashenvale to the south. It was the only Alliance zone on the mainland of Kalimdor before it became contested during the War of the Thorns. ...
1711 SouthseaPirateShip715BoatHoliday Alliance Submarine (7.1.5 Boat Holiday) 7.1.5 1712 ArgusRaid Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid 7.3.0 1713 ❌ hearthstonetavern Hearthstone Tavern 7.2.0 1714 HallsOfValorWarriorClassMount Halls Of Valor - Warrior Class Mount Scenario 7.2.0 1715 Blackrock...
Daniel has a variety of tricks up his sleeve to keep travelers far off the beaten path—whether that’s getting a private monk blessing in Wat Pho, entry to famous landmarks before they are open to the public, or visiting artisans’ workshops that are accessible only by boat. He also ...
May 3-May 10-DragonflightDungeon Event and PvP Brawl: Southshore vs. Tarren Mill May 7- May 13- Darkmoon Faire May 10- May 12- Spring Balloon Festival May 10-May 17- Timewalking Event and PvP Brawl: Classic Ashran May 17- May 24- Arena Skirmish Bonus Event and PvP Brawl: Packed Ho...
World of Warcraft 10th Anniversary— This anniversary featured Tarren Mill vs Southshore and Level 100 Molten Core.The Dark Portal Opens was the first pre-expansion event in World of Warcraft.Iron Horde Incursion— Taking place with patch 6.0.2, this unique world event preceded the release of ...
Nighthaven Village (South of) Moonglade Southshore Hillsbrad Foothills Cenarion Hold Silithus Thelsamar Loch Modan Stonetalon Peak Stonetalon Mountains Lakeshire Redridge Mountains Gadgetzan Tanaris Thorium Point Searing Gorge Ruth’Theran Village Teldrassil Booty Bay Strangleth...