WeakAuras 2 for Classic Shamans Weak Auras 2allows you to configure all types of warnings for yourself with a simple user interface. Due to its large user base, there is a huge library of auras already created for you to import at theWago classic Shaman section, make sure to check it out...
Dotlock Warlock (affliction) Advanced ferib 🟢 Lvl 80 warrior Warrior 🔴 TODO ℹ How to install Download as .zip and extract in C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\Light, make sure the folder no longer has the -master suffix in the name and that it...
Classic Aura Durations; Weak Auras 2; Clique; (Heal) VuhDo; (Heal) Heal Comm Classic; (Heal) Five Second Rule. Warlock Addons for Warlocks make tracking DoTs and soul shards much simpler, saving you from micromanagement. They also help with pet control and cooldown tracking, ensuring you ...