Expansion: WoW ClassicThere are several ways that you can boost your Fishing skill. This comes in the form of lures, poles, gear, and even an enchantment. You can use these to make it easier to catch fish, or as a way of meeting a minimum requirement for fishing in a zone.Even...
Where: Duskwood, Tranquil Garden Cemetary Mob: Skeleton Mage, Skeleton Warrior, Levels 21-23 XP Per Hour: 10k-18k Levels: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Type: Grinding/1 Quest Where: Duskwood, Raven Hill Cemetary Mob: Skeletal Fiend, Skeletal Horror, Levels 23-25 XP Per Hour: 14-22K Levels: 26...
Expansion: WoW ClassicUnder @Torstein input and @teebling suggestion, this guide wants to be a point where to collect useful informations about special/hidden vendors in Azeroth! If we gather enough contributions we may decide to transform it in a full fledged guide!A hidden or special vendor ...