Welcome to our dungeon guide for WoW Classic! Azeroth is home to more than 20 combined dungeons and raids, all of which offer some exciting and useful loot on your journey to level 60 and beyond. Every dungeon has level requirements, but you’ll always n
In traditionalWoW Classic,theScarlet Monastery Cathedralis one of the most iconic leveling dungeons in the game. But in the Season of Discovery, it’s a go-to endgame dungeon for gear farmers during the second phase. Recommended Videos Scarlet Monastery’s Cathedral wing has some of t...
You need this key in order to enter SM Armory or SM Cathedral. Much like Stratholme, all you need to do is loot the key to complete attunement. Kill Arcanist Doan at the end of the Library Wing, and pick up the key from Doan’s Strongbox. Zul’Farrak – Mallet of Zul’Farrak Zul...
In this comprehensive dungeon guide for the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral, we tell you how to enter the dungeon, navigate your way through it, and defeat all the bosses. We also list the loot and the quests.
Before Herod dies, any ranged on the platform need to jump down to avoid the incoming swarm ofScarlet Trainees that will enter the room. AoE these down as fast as you can, but allow your tank enough time to get aggro on them. 5.1.1. Loot from Herod Item...
Drops: Vendor loot/Runecloth/Epics/Cen rep Est G/H: not added (please suggest value) Silithus - Elemental Invasion: Description: During the elemental invasion, solo farm the air elementals in the north. Drops: Breath of Wind/Essence of Air ...
Go to Cathedral District and accept Humble Beginnings. Go into the Cathedral and pick up your class quest The Tome of Divinity for the Resurrection spell, talk to the npc a couple of times until you get the next part. Go to Trade district and turn in The Tome of Divinity, give the lad...