You do get oneShard of the Voidjust by completing this, but each class will have a different prerequisite item. Mine being theToughened Leather Gloves, and that’s it. Now you can craft your Void-Touched Armaments. WOW Classic SOD Phase 7 Overview: What You’ll Get In The New Phase? W...
The final step in this journey is to obtain the Shard of the Void.Depending on your faction, go to Hillsbrad Foothills and speak with either Ardelle Dralta or Brave Stonetorch. Go to the above location and travel up the mountain until you see a cave protected by Ravenholdt guards. Vent...
Welcome to our dungeon guide for WoW Classic! Azeroth is home to more than 20 combined dungeons and raids, all of which offer some exciting and useful loot on your journey to level 60 and beyond. Every dungeon has level requirements, but you’ll always n
Expansion: WoW Classic Warlocks are one of two classes that get unique mounts specifically for their class, the other being Paladins. Both classes get a basic mount at level 40 and an epic version at level 60. Your level 40 mount as a Warlock is free, and your level 60 mount comes at...
Warlocks are wielders of shadow and flame, commanders of demons, and casters of curses. They are one of the strongest damage dealers inWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. But what’s the best way to level one of these goth lords and ladies to 80? What talents, gear, an...
1-70 Wow Classic Leveling Guides Support my work Question– Your guides really helped me out and I want to return the favor, what can I do to help? Answer– Here’s how you can contribute: 1.Most important and easiest way to help:Spread the word. Tell people about my guide. Your fr...
Bilescourge Bombers’ Soul Shard cost has been reduced to 0 (was two). Umbral Blaze now has a 15/30 percent chance of occurring (was 8/15 percent) and now retains remaining damage when reapplied. Umbral Blaze has been moved to Fel Covenant’s previous location. Dread Calling has been mo...
If you wished to convert a Soul Shard into any other type of inventory item (such as a [Healthstone] or [Soulstone]) you would need extra space in your normal bags to hold the new item. As Soul Shards are no longer physical items, all Soul bags have been converted to normal bags ...
Following the fall of the Lich King at the Frozen Throne, one of the champions of Azeroth wielding Shadowmourne found Alexandros' Soul Shard in an Unsealed Chest taken from Arthas' corpse. When they returned it to Darion Mograine, Alexandros's spirit appeared for the final time, thanking his ...