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Rexxar's mask bears a striking resemblance to the character Darkwolf from the 1980s cult classic animated film Fire & Ice, though many players also consider it to look similar to the mask of Batman. This is referenced in Heroes of the Storm, where one of Rexxar's poke quotes is: "You...
Stormwind is, alongside Dalaran, the only two capital cities in which a rare mob may spawn; in the case of Stormwind, the Sewer Beast crocolisk. The city contains the Champions' Hall for the Alliance, and thus access to all the special PvP gear. It is the only Alliance city with all ...
However, there is a white croc skin found only in three places: the Wailing Caverns, on a rare in Dustwallow, and on a simply huge creature called the Sewer Beast, a level 50 croc who lives in the Stormwind Canal. No seriously. He's very, very rare, but a great deal of fun to ...
Throne of Thunder is the Patch 5.2 raid instance. Emperor Lei Shen, the Thunder King, has returned to wreak his vengeance on Pandaria. It falls to the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde to stop the newly resurrected tyrant and his Zandalari allies in t
Stormwind is, alongside Dalaran, the only two capital cities in which a rare mob may spawn; in the case of Stormwind, the Sewer Beast crocolisk. The city contains the Champions' Hall for the Alliance, and thus access to all the special PvP gear. It is the only Alliance city with all ...
Riverbeast Stag Oxen Lizard Toad Mammoth Exoticfamilies Cunning Aqiri Shale Beast Water Strider Pterrordax Ferocity Chimaera Core Hound Devilsaur Clefthoof Tenacity Spirit Beast Worm Stone Hound Carapid Skill Cloud serpent Mechanical Gargon Direhorn ...
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