英文名:Robe of the Void 复制 中文代码 英文代码 虚空法袍50秒施法时间 材料: 符文布卷 (12), 恶魔符文 (20), 恶魔布 (40), 火焰精华 (12), 死灵精华 (12), 符文线 (2)虚空法袍ID: 14153拾取后绑定 胸部布甲109点护甲+14 耐力耐久度 100 / 100需要等级 57物品等级50 卖价:20 NFU数据库 db....
Welcome to our dungeon guide for WoW Classic! Azeroth is home to more than 20 combined dungeons and raids, all of which offer some exciting and useful loot on your journey to level 60 and beyond. Every dungeon has level requirements, but you’ll always n
Tailoring allows Players to make three Bind on Pickup Robes:Robe of the Voidfor Warlocks,Robe of the Archmagefor Mages (Best in Slot before AQ 40), and theTruefaith Vestmentsfor Priests (please note that these items are BoP and therefore can not be traded to other Players). The other no...
Location: The Barrens Boss Encounters: Kresh, Lady Anacondra, Lord Cobran, Deviate Faerie Dragon, Lord Pythas, Skum, Lord Serpentis, Verdan the Everliving, Mutanus the Devourer Loot Drops: Boahn’s Fang, Venomstrike, Stinging Viper, Kresh's Back, Robe of the Moccasin, Cobrahn's Gr...
Back: +21 “of Shadow Wrath”, Cloak of the Hakkari Worshipers, Cloak of ConsumptionChest: Robe of Winter Night, Robe of the Void, Bloodvine VestWrist: Sublime Wristguards, +21 “of Shadow Wrath”, Dryad’s Wrist BindingsHands: Gloves of Spell Mastery,Felcloth Gloves, Bloodtinged Gloves...
Berylline Pads 39 Shoulder Quest (A/H)The Crone of the Kraul Imposing Shoulders 39 Shoulder Rare Drop (0.05%) Caretaker's Cape 39 Back Vendor (A)Illiyana Moonblaze Cabalist Cloak 39 Back Rare Drop (0.38%) Robe of the Magi 39 Chest Rare Drop (0.01%) Robes of the Lich 39 Chest Razo...
However, if you look for random players for WoW Mythic dungeon runs, then the whole process may bring less pleasure. The search can take a lot of time, and the random players themselves may not live up to your expectations in terms of skill. What to do? The best solution is our WoW ...
Spaulders of Oblivion Back Sethekk Oracle Cloak Chest Robe of the Crimson Order Bracers Crimson Bracers of Gloom Gloves Gloves of Oblivion Belt Sash of Serpentra Pants Trousers of Oblivion Spellstrike Pants Boots Extravagant Boots Of Malice
These are the heirloom pieces you should look for if you are leveling a warlock: Shoulder:Tattered Dreadmist Mantle Chest:Tattered Dreadmist Robe Trinket:Discerning Eye of the Beast Trinket:Swift Hand of Justice Weapon:Dignified Headmaster’s Charge ...
Chest: Robe of the Archmage (crafted) Wrists: Flameweave Cuffs of Frozen Wrath (Blackrock Depths) Hands: Frostweave Gloves (crafted) Waist: Thuzadin Sash (Stratholme – Undead) Legs: Skyshroud Leggings (Lower Blackrock Spire) Feet: Omnicast Boots (Blackrock Depths) ...